Most of the mage spells elsewhere in the guide can be easily transformed into clerical spells for gods who will grant them.
Baltasar's Impediment
Detect Venereal Disease
Divine Sexual Experience
Protection From Disease
Repair Virginity
Yemelat's Orgiastic Frenzy
Baltasar's Impediment (Necromancy, Abjuration)
Sphere: Necromancy, Protection
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 (female) mammal
Save: None
This spell enables the caster to prevent a female from becoming pregnant. Essentially, it
impedes a fertilized ovum from implanting in the uterus. The casting of Baltasar's Impediment is
not necessarily an evil act; however, the GM should pay particular attention to the alignment of
the caster as well as the social & political (esp. religious) atmosphere. For example, a lawful
good cleric casting this spell on a teenager without the permission of her parents, church, etc.
should be prepared for the wrath of his deity. A cleric who worships a fertility god can not cast
this spell.
A neutral evil cleric, nephew of the king, might repeatedly cast this spell on the queen in a
secret attempt to usurp the thrown. A neutral good cleric might cast this spell on all the maidens
of the keep before its fall to the orc siege -- although he cannot spare them from the horrors to
come, at least he can prevent the bastardization that might result.
The material components are a drop of blood from the target's last menstrual period (or an ounce
of her blood, from anywhere, that has been mixed with dust and dried in a silver chalice) and the
priest's holy symbol. The priest invokes the name of his deity, touching his holy symbol to the
blood. The woman must then consume it, usually mixing it with wine or some other fluid. The spell
remains in effect until the first day of the woman's next menstrual period, or a successful Dispel
Magic is cast upon her.
Detect Venereal Disease (Divination)
Sphere: Divination
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Components: S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Save: None
This spell detects the presence of sexually transmitted diseases in a creature. A successful
Intelligence check reveals the nature and symptoms of, but not the cure for, any detected diseases.
The material component is the caster's holy symbol.
Divine Sexual Experience (Divination)
Sphere: Divination
Level: 1
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One person
Save: None
Casting of this spell involves taking a clear vessel of water and releasing a drop of ink into
it. The percentage of the water undarkened by the diffused ink indicates that person's purity
score. Although not absolutely certain, any score under 50% probably indicates loss of virginity,
and with the exception of the rarest of heroes and deities, the score will be between 25% (casual
interaction with others) and 90% (extreme debauchery). More specific information may be revealed
at the GM's discretion.
Lactation (Evocation)
Sphere: Creation
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Female touched
Save: 1/2
Lactation, unsurprisingly, causes the subject to begin producing breast milk. This milk is of the
highest nutritive value. A save results in a single discharge of colostrum.
Repair Virginity (Healing)
Sphere: Healing
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: S, M
Duration: Permanent (until the obvious happens)
Casting Time: 2 turns
Area of Effect: One person
Save: 1/2 (Special)
This spell returns the subject to a state of physical virginity. If the subject makes the save,
then all sexual skills, knowledge, and techniques are retained; if the save is failed, all
knowledge and skills are lost except those known before having lost virginity. A female will grow
an intact hymen, and any physical or medical damage caused by sex or childbirth will be eradicated.
The subject will legitimately be considered a virgin for all religious purposes.
Protection From Disease (Abjuration)
Sphere: Protection
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Save: None
By means of this spell, the wizard bestows total invulnerability to disease. The creature can't
contract, become a carrier, or pass on any disease he/she may already have. This spell doesn't
cure disease it merely prevents its transfer.
When a person is subject to this spell, a glowing light appears on the subject's palm. This is to
assure the person has this protection on. Therefore, a person he/she can't say "Let's have sex, I
have the protection on."
The material component of this spell is a scoop of mold (a generic form of penicillin).
Fertility (Alteration, Necromancy) Reversible
Sphere: Creation, Necromantic
Level: 4
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn + 1 turn/target
Area of Effect: Special
Save: Neg.
This spell enables the caster to increase the fertility of the target. The target may be either
male or female. The fertility of a character may be calculated as follows (as per The Complete
Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge). Fertility = base chance + constitution modifier. If both
participants are "fertile" at time of copulation, pregnancy results.
Base Race | Chance | Constitution | Modifier |
Dwarf | 22% | 01-03 | -6% |
Elf | 13% | 04-06 | -4% |
Gnome | 20% | 07-09 | -2% |
Half-Elf | 54% | 10-12 | +2% |
Halfling | 50% | 13-15 | +4% |
Human | 77% | 16-18 | +6% |
Successful casting of this spell increases a character's fertility by 5d6 points. In addition, there is a probability, equal to the level of the caster (1% per level), that successful conception will result in multiple births (roll 1d20: 1-17 twins, 18-19 triplets, 20 quadruplets). Multiple castings of this spell on the same individual (while the first is still in effect) automatically fail, as does casting on a pregnant person. This effect lasts through the target's next copulation; thereafter, the target's fertility returns to normal. Fertility can also be countered magically by spells such as Dispel Magic, Infertility, or Wish.
The reverse of this spell, "Infertility," destroys the target's ovaries/testes and automatically results in a failed attempt at conception (assuming that the target did not save versus spells). The target remains infertile until a successful Dispel Magic is cast upon him/her followed immediately by Regenerate (the former dispels the magic, the latter repairs the physical damage).
Note: Fertility cannot counter the effects of Infertility, but if the target is already under the effect of the former, he/she receives a +1 bonus to save.
This spell (and it's reverse) may also be cast upon animals (e.g., horses). The GM may choose the animal's initial fertility based on type and quality of animal.
This spell can affect up to 1 creature for every 3 levels of the caster, unless the cleric worships a god of fertility, creation, death, or destruction, in which case, the cleric can affect 1 creature per level. Clerics who worship fertility or creation gods can not cast Infertility. Clerics who worship gods of death or destruction can not cast Fertility.
The material components for Fertility are the caster's holy symbol and a seed from any plant (the seed is not damaged). The caster's holy symbol and the ashes from a handful of seeds are required for the reverse (the ashes disappear during casting).
NOTE: While the need for this spell might seem a bit questionable upon initial reading, it works well as a plot aid:
Yemelat's Orgiastic Frenzy (Enchantment)
Sphere: Charm
Level: 6
Range: 20-ft radius circle centered within
60 ft. of the caster
Components: V, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6 turn
Area of Effect: See range
Save: Special
Yemelat, whose archbishopric is among the most coveted of all the dioceses of Lord Priapus, is
most famous for his Orgiastic Frenzy spell, first put to shockingly great effect at a Special
High Council of the priests of Helm, Torm, and Tyr. This spell compels those within its range
to engage in sexual activities with wild abandon with anyone else within the zone. Those within
may individually save vs. petrifaction at -5 to stave off the effects, but must save again if
they touch anyone or anything in the zone, including their own bodies, until they escape the
zone or until everyone falls unconscious within the zone. The material component is a peeled grape.
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Ch23-Clerics-Spells.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.