The Complete Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
For Fantasy Role-Playing Games

The Rack Critical Hit Chart: for Men Only

Female characters are cursed with The Bitch Rule, so how can the males be equally punished. Well, at long last, it's here. The Rack Critical Hit Chart.

"Rack" is a term that refers to a shot to the groin. As most guys will tell you, a hit to the body or face is invulnerably more welcome and less devastating than a blast to the crotch.

The rack can either be a called shot to the groin, part of a normal critical hit chart, or (to get more use of it) if the attacker rolls five higher than the necessary to hit roll (modified or natural), it is now considered to be a rack.

The rack chart is as follows:

Die Roll Effect
00-70 Man drops weapon, clutches privates, and loses next 1D4 rounds of initiative.
71-80 Man is blinded by tears and cannot defend or attack for the next 1D6 rounds.
81-90 Man is stunned for one round and then goes into a berserker rage for 1D10 rounds. Rules for berserk rage applies.
91-95 Man's voice is permanently altered to 1d4 octaves higher, dropping his charisma by 1D4. Also stunned for 1D4 rounds.
96-98 Man is permanently rendered impotent. Stunned for 1D6 rounds.
99 Man loses consciousness for 1D10 rounds. (System shock roll can be made at -50%, if successful, man is only unconscious for 1D4 rounds.)
00 Man goes into shock, no save, and dies. All men within a viewing distance must make a constitution save at -5 or they clutch themselves and remain stunned for 1 round.

NOTE: GM's may enforce the rule that any time a man sees another man getting racked he must make a constitution check to see if he is stunned for one round. Exception, see 00.

FINAL NOTE: Due to the amount of protection a male will go through to protect his "family treasure", his AC for his privates is 2 better than his overall AC. He also gets +2 to his dexterity at any attempt to dodge. <evil grin>

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Ch15-Rack-Hit-Chart.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.