Some GMs may like totally random factors in a character's generation thus this sexual tendency optional rule is presented. Roll 1D100 on Table 1 to get the sexual tendency of the character using the appropriate social class modifier from Table 2. The reason for the social class modifier: the upper classes have more access to culturally-accepted sexual information and are under strict "moral" guardianship.
Die Roll | Tendency |
01-80 | Heterosexual |
81-90 | Bisexual |
91-00 | Homosexual |
Social Level | Modifiers |
Lower Lower Class | 0 |
Middle Lower Class | 0 |
Upper Lower Class | 0 |
Lower Middle Class | -1% |
Middle Middle Class | -2% |
Upper Middle Class | -3% |
Lower Upper Class | -5% |
Middle Upper Class | -7% |
Upper Upper Class | -9% |
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Ch13-Sexual-Tendency.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.