The Complete Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
For Fantasy Role-Playing Games
On the subject of a shapechanging mother and child
When a female who can naturally shapechange has a child, the relationship between mother and
child is complex. Specifically, what shapechanging if any does the child undergo?
There are some rules to remember:
Nursing Stage
- While the mother is in her natural form, the child is in its natural form.
Examples: If a dragon mother is in dragon form, the child also is in dragon form.
If a centaur druid mother is in centaur form, the child is in centaur
- Until the child is weaned, it "echoes" the form of its mother. This occurs continuously
whether or not the mother is actually in the process of nursing the child.
Examples: If a dragon mother is in human form, the child also is in human form.
If a centaur druid mother is in bear form, the child is in bear form regardless of what its original form was.
Weaned Stage
- After the child is weaned, it regains its normal form.
Examples: If a dragon mother is in any form, the child also is in dragon form. If a centaur
druid mother is in any form, the child is in centaur, horse or human form as appropriate.
- From weaning until puberty, the child will always remain in its natural form.
- If the child is not of a shapechanging race, it will never shapechange again.
- If the child is of a shapechanging race, it will gain its shapechanging powers with the onset of puberty.
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Ch11-Sub-Shapechanging.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.