Normally, labor will occur 36+1d4 weeks after conception for humans, elves, and half-elfs. Labor will occur 38-1d4 weeks after conception for dwarves and halflings.
When a character suffers over 50% of total hit points in damage, there is a chance that she suffers a miscarriage based on how long she has been pregnant. For the first three stages (1,2,3) the chance of a miscarriage is 50%. For the second three stages (4,5,6) the chance of a miscarriage is 25% The woman has 3D4 hours to get to a cleric for a Cure Critical Wounds to save the child. Of course, the child must make a system shock based on its mother's constitution to survive. In the case of a miscarriage, there is a 25% of hemorrhaging. Hemorrhaging causes 3D6 points of internal damage to the character.
For the last three stages (7,8,9) instead of a miscarriage there is a 50% chance for a premature birth.
When a women has her first child, she will be in labor 4D6 hours. Subsequent labors will be for 1D10 hours.
The chance for a successful birth is based on the following formula (use mom's stats): success % = System Shock + (2 * Strength).
The GM has two options for an unsuccessful birth. Kind GMs can make the mother make a system shock/2. If she succeeds then the child makes a roll to check for failure on the table based on the following formula: (system shock/2) - 1 for each day premature. (NOTE: subtract 10% from the table for each day the child is premature.) This option gives the character and child a second chance. A more sinister GM can require a roll on the table without any second chances.
01-40 | child dies |
41-80 | mother dies |
81-98 | both dies |
99-00 | Both live (one last chance for success) |
GMs may adjusted the table based on their own campaign.
The mother must spend 1D6+3 days in recovery. If the character wishes to engage in strenuous activities rather than recover, the GM can implement penalties to abilities (i.e. strength, constitution, dexterity). The bitch rule should remain in effect for an additional 1D4 weeks after birth.
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Ch08-Stork.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.