The Complete Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
For Fantasy Role-Playing Games

Conception: What are the odds?

Sure characters screw around, but it never seems like they get anybody pregnant or get pregnant themselves unless on a whim of the GM. UNTIL NOW! Below is a very simple system to make the decision fairly.

To start, get the base chance for each character (Table 1) that participated in sex and add the appropriate Constitution modifiers (Table 2). Then roll percentile dice for each person. A successful roll indicates fertility. If both are fertile than conception has occurred.

Of course, this assumes that both characters are of compatible race and are at age where conception can occur (GM's judgment), and it is the female's fertile time of the month. Some GM's may allow all races to reproduce offspring. Other GMs may limit which races can breed together. This decision should remain that of individual GMs, but suggestions are given in the previous section.

Table 1: Base Chance

Base Race Chance
Dwarf 22%
Elf 13%
Gnome 20%
Half-Elf 54%
Halfling 50%
Human 77%

Note: The maximum age for each race was divided by 100. This number was divided into 100% to get the base chance (fractions rounded). This gives an accurate representation of how fertile an overall race is. If a GM wishes to add more races, all that would be needed is the maximum age of that race.

Table 2: Constitution modifiers

A. Score Modifier
03-05 -6%
06-08 -4%
09-10 -2%
11-12 +2%
13-15 +4%
16-18 +6%

Protection from pregnancy

The base chance can be reduced by half if the popular technique of coitus interruptus (pulling out by the male). The male must make an ability check against (Wisdom+Dexterity)/2 where Wisdom is the willpower required to stop the fun when it gets better and Dexterity is the quickness to accomplish the mission. Only if the check is made will the chance be reduced (even if successful there is always the chance of pregnancy).

Natural condoms made of various materials could be commonly used. These include condoms made with vegetable fibers or animal tissue which would be quite rare and expense (around 10 silver pieces). Such condoms would only be effective in preventing pregnancy 25% of the time. Another option would be to lower the chance of pregnancy by 75%.


Some may argue that age should play an important role in fertility, but age isn't represented in these rules. However, Constitution plays a role in fertility and Constitution is used here. A character's Constitution fluctuates because of age in most RPGs. Thus, age is taken into consideration because of Constitution changes due to age. To make any more modifiers would be double jeopardy.

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Ch06-Conception-Odds.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.