(There's one in every bunch!)
NOTE: These rules are not necessarily suppose to be taking seriously. If anything, they are provided for your amusement. It seems people will make rules for anything. Before throwing this guide a way because of this section, you might want to read the whole guide and then only throw out sections like this one. And if you keep sections like this one, you may want to seek counseling :)
There comes a time in an adventurer's life when he/she wants to engage in the act of sex. Unfortunately, most RPG rule books avoid the subject for obvious reasons. A player rolls dice from pottery to dancing, so why not sex.
At first glance, it may seem that a character can have sex for quite a long time. This is true for player characters. They have superior attributes and thus can perform better (that's why they're great adventurers). However, an average character would have attributes between 9-12. Using the below rules, an average character (10 or 11 in all attributes) could go a minimum of 10 or 11 minutes (rounds) and might be able to go an additional 10 or 11 minutes if very, very luck (dice deities willing, but don't bet on it).
Some GMs may feel that certain races should be more adept at sex than others. Many arguments can be made for every race. The one race that most people feel should have modifiers is the dwarf race. However, since theses rules are based on constitution and since initial character generation gives bonus or penalties to Constitution (dwarves get +1), it is not necessary to give additional modifiers to race.
The following is the steps to go through to see if a character can continue having sex:
NOTE: In most cases it take two to tango, so remember to keep track of all participates.
Score | Modifier |
03 - 05 | -4 <-- not much fun |
06 - 08 | -2 |
09 - 12 | 0 |
13 - 15 | +2 |
16 - 18 | +4 <-- someone could get hurt |
Score | Modifier |
03 - 05 | -4 <-- wears out easily |
06 - 08 | -2 |
09 - 12 | 0 |
13 - 15 | +2 |
16 - 18 | +4 <-- nasty |
Score | Modifier |
03 - 05 | -4 |
06 - 08 | -2 |
09 - 12 | 0 |
13 - 15 | +2 |
16 - 18 | +4 |
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Ch04-Wild-Thing.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.