Shadow Alpha
Model Type: XVAF-8A Shadow Alpha
Intelligence: Neural
Alignment: Scrupulous
Crew: None needed, but one pilot can sit in the cockpit.
I.Q.: 40
P.S.: 55
P.P.: 38
M.D.C. by Location:
- Head - 200
- *Head Sensor Unit (1) - 180
- **Neural Housing (1) - 275
- Hands (2) - 200 each
- Forearms/Missile Pods (2) - 400 each
- Shoulder/Missile Pods (2) - 500 each
- Legs, Upper (2) - 600 each
- Lower Legs/Thrusters/Missile Pods (2) - 800 each
- Wings (2) - 500 each
- Tail Fins (2) - 400 each
- ***Main Body - 2500
- ****Mini Cross Dimensional Device (1) - 500
- Reinforced Pilot's Compartment - 300
- HI-Laser Cannon (1) - 200
- Eu-14 Gun Pod - 250
- SPB-XX (1) - 300
- XVAF-1 Force Field - 5000
*Depleting the M.D.C. of the head sensor will destroy the motion detector & warning system
as well as the back up micro radar. Do to the small size attackers are -6 to strike.
**Depleting the M.D.C. of the Neural Housing will destroy the intelligence
of the robot. Note: The housing is located inside of
the main body, which must be destroyed to reach the housing.
***Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the mecha down completely,
rendering it useless.
****Depleting the M.D.C. of the cross dimensional device will make cross
dimensional travel impossible. Note:
The device is protected by the main body which must be destroyed first.
- Jet Mode: Mach 15 (9900 mph) maximum in an earth like atmosphere.
- Jet Cruising Speed: Mach 2 (1300 mph)
- Underwater Speed: 35 Knots maximum
- Space Propulsion: Mach 50
(33,000 mph) maximum.
- Sublight: .75c (892,800,000 mph)
- Stardrive: Gravitonic drive maximum
speed: 50 light years/ hour
- Guardian Mode: Hover stationary to Mach 2
(1300 mph)
- Battloid Mode Flying: Hover Stationary
to about 600 mph.
- Battloid Mode, Running: 660 mph
- Battloid Mode, Leaping: 150 ft up or
across without booster assistance. 500 ft with booster assistance.
Statistical Data
- Height:
30 ft in battloid mode.
16 ft in jet mode including tail fins.
- Width:
14 ft in battloid.
23 ft in jet and guardian modes.
- Length: 36 ft in jet and guardian modes.
- Weight: 14 tons without missiles; 20 tons fully loaded.
- Main Engine: Reflex, protoculture. Protoculture
engines give the alpha an estimated 200 years of constant use.
- Secondary Engine: Micro-Fusion Reactor, Estimated
life span of 175 years. Primary use is for the energy weapons.
- Range: The Protocuture gives the alpha and estimated
life span of 200 yrs. The life support system is designed for five years uninterrupted
- Cargo: A small cargo space is behind the pilot's seat.
Large enough to fit two energy rifles, two energy pistols, body armor as well as some
personal articles.
- Cost: 60,320,443,700 credits. One of a kind custom
made in another dimension.
Sensors and Equipment:
- Radar: Range: 1000 miles (200,000 miles in
space). Can identify and track up to 210 targets simultaneously. The radar is
constructed into the skin of the alpha. This allows the alpha to take a
360° image in a few seconds. The radar has three modes off, stealth,
and on. In Stealth mode the radar will only stay on long enough to take a
complete image of the surrounding area and then turn off. The system is
designed to vary the time between the scans so that a pattern does not
appear to the enemies detectors.
- Gravity Wave sensor: This system can detect ships
as far away as 200,000 miles if they are in normal space. Ships using a
gravity or P-Drive make disturbances in the normal space- time continuum
which can be detected from as far as 10 light years.
- Radar Signal Detector: A tiny radar receiver
which will alert the alpha when he is being scanned by radar. 85% accuracy.
- Radio Communications: Wide band and directional
radio and video telecast capabilities. Range is 1200 miles or can be
boosted indefinitely via satellite relay.
- Laser Communications: Long-range, directional
communication system. Effective range; 200,000 miles.
- Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits
data to the Alpha, the data can also be displayed onto the cockpit computer
screen or the H.U.D. of the pilot's helmet. Patches in with targeting computer.
The computer recognizes 4 million enemy targets, including vehicles, robots,
insignias, uniforms, and known monsters. An additional 10 million targets
can be added to the memory.
- Laser Targeting System: Range: 125 miles. Assists
in the striking of enemy targets.
- Motion Detector & Collision Warning System:
Close Range: 100 ft; warns the alpha of impending collision and/or
immediate target.
- Head Spotlights: Range 1000 ft
- Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that can amplify
the alpha's voice up to 190 decibels.
- Ejector Seat: In case of an emergency, the pilot
can be instantly ejected. The Neural intelligence also has an ejection system.
- Self Destruct: A last ditch effort to prevent the
capture of the Alpha (usually preceded by the Intelligence ejection from
the veritech) is self destruction. Explosive damage is fairly contained.
Without missiles (or few) does 1D6x10 M.D., but with all or most of its
missiles (40) will do 2D6x100 M.D. to a 50 ft radius.
- Smoke Screen System: The alpha can emit a thick
cloud of smoke from its rear to create immediate cover. The smoke screen
system can discharge a maximum of 10 bursts before needing replacement.
Each burst will cover a 60 ft area.
- Heat and Radiation Shields: Special Shielding
prevents the penetration of life threatening heat and radiation. The
shields are so strong that they can work up to the point of a supernova.
- Underwater Capabilities: All internal mechanisms
joints and access panels are sealed and waterproofed. The entire physical
structure is conditioned for water pressure and stress, as well as maneuver
jets installed. Max depth 30,000 ft.
- Provisions Storage: 65 gallons of water and
airtight compartment with 12 weeks of MRE's.
- Recycling Plant(type two): This system recycles
everything (ex: oxygen & purifies the air).
- Hardened Circuits: The alpha's systems have been
hardened to withstand the effects of scramblers, EMPs, and electrical blasts.
No damage is taken.
- Advanced Robot Optic System: Includes color vision,
3-D analysis, passive nightsight, infrared, and ultraviolet sight. Range:
12000 ft
- Telescopic Optical Enhancement: Range: 24,000 ft
field of vision: 300 ft
- Thermo-Imager: Range: 12000 ft. A special optical
heat sensory unit that allows the infrared radiation of warm objects to be
converted into a visible image. It also enables the alpha to see in darkness,
shadow and through smoke.
- Nightvision Optics: Range: 12000 ft. An image
intensifier that is passive and relies on ambient light which is electronically
amplified to give a visible picture. Nightvision can not work in absolute
- Advanced Audio System: Amplified stereo hearing;
hears in the full decibel range. Ultra-ear enables the alpha to hear
frequencies inaudible to the human ear.
- Modulating Voice Synthesizer and Sound
Analysis Computer: Enables the alpha to change the tone, base, pitch and
frequency of his voice. The sound analysis computer is designed exclusively to listen,
identify, remember, and analyze sounds. 10 million different sounds are programmed
into its memory, including gun shots by caliber, engines, and other sounds. It also
has the capability to analyze, compare, match and remember 5 million new sounds; 98%
likelihood of identifying a person by voice pattern. Can imitate another
person's voice with 80% accuracy.
- Inaudible Frequency Transmission: The alpha can
speak/transmit sound frequencies inaudible to the human ear, but audible
to other robots, borgs with ultra-ear, and beings with superior hearing,
such as mutant dogs.
- Bug Detector: A small device that picks up radio
signals from surveillance listening devices. Range: 100 ft
- External Video and Audio Surveillance System: A
high-resolution video camera, relays images directly to the alpha's optic
scanners and these images can be recorded as a record of events. A video
receiver and transmitter system enables the alpha to receive video
transmissions for viewing and for recording. The images are recorded on
a six hour, three inch, video disc that is slipped into a slot in the
- Bio-Scan Medical Survey Unit: A computer system
designed to monitor the life signs of biological life forms. Sensors are
built into the cockpit of the alpha. Monitors vital signs, such as
respiration, blood pressure, brain waves, and body temperature. A
computerized medical system tied into the Bio-Scan computer will indicate
trauma to the brain and nervous system, blood loss, presence of drugs or
other unnatural agent in the blood stream, and coma condition.
- Chemical Analysis System: A fully automated
computer analysis system that can do complete chemical analysis of blood,
drugs, liquids, and gases within 2D4 melees (45 to 120 seconds). Over 2
million chemicals are preserved in its memory with room for 8 million
additions. Likelihood of a full, exact analysis is 95%. A failed roll
means it can not identify the substance.
- Miniature Cross-Dimesional Device: This device
once set will transport the alpha to a cross-dimensional location.
Recharge Time: About 15 minutes to recharge and recalibrate for another
dimensional locus. Area of Effect: A radius of up to 75 ft.
- Dimensional Continuum Measurement/Recording Device:
This device is used for recording the relative coordinates of Cross-Dimensional
locations. It's designed to record the changes that take place over any
dimensional hop. Up to 25,000 transits can be recorded. The device adds
+15% to success of any recorded cross-dimensional hop.
- Cross-Dimensional Disturbance Detector: A very
sensitive device, it simply scans for the presence of active Cross-Dimensional
devices and homes in on their signal. Also picks up the signals of nearby
Cross-Dimensional Signal Beacons. Adds +20% chance when jumping directly
to an emitting signal, +5% to a signal that has been recorded but has since
faded away.
- Cross-Dimensional Signal Beacon: Designed to
"mark" various dimensions by emitting strong Cross-Dimensional signals.
The device can be set to broadcast continuously so that anyone can pick
it up, or to be transmitting on a select coded band. If coded, the Detector
must be tuned to the specific code in order to get a strong signal.
- Quantum Differential Device: By far the most
accurate and precise of all temporal measurement instruments. This
works by calibrating the quantum "positions" of electrons around a
hydrogen atom. Since this changes exactly as all matter moves away
from its moment of creation, it is useful for determining the exact
moment anywhere in the universe.
- Temporal Energy Stoper: This device is designed
to prevent the Alpha from being effected by the ravages of Temporal
Energy distortion caused by extreme travel to the far reaches of time.
The Alpha is completely impervious to T.E. change. Because of the
importance of this device it is quintupley redundant each located in different,
secured, areas of the vehicle.
- Shadow Cloaking Device: The cloaking device hides
the alpha from enemy radar, invid protoculture sensors/ targeting, and
scrambles all other detection methods such as microwaves and lasers.
Only conventional optical systems and the opponent's own vision can be
used to see the Shadow Fighter. Consequently, the alpha can zoom in on
a target completely undetected by radar or other sensor. It is only
when they come into visual range that they can be detected.
Note: Unless somebody sees the Alpha coming,
the Alpha always has the initiative (strikes first) for the first melee round.
After that, everybody rolls initiative for each melee of combat.
- Skills: Speaks and is literate in the following
languages American, Atlantean, Dragonese, Euro, Faerie Speak, French,
Greek, Japanese, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Techno-can,
Wolfven, all at 98%.
Radio: Basic, Scramblers, Satellite Relay 98%, Electrical
Eng. 98%, Circuit Board Micro-Electronics 98%, Mecha Electronics 98%,
Mechanical Eng. 98%, Veritech Mechanics 98%, Weapons Eng. 98%, Mecha
Mechanics 98%, Drive Repair: Traction/ Plasma 98%, Detect Ambush 86%,
Detect Concealment 90%, Sniper, Tracking 82%, Paramedic 95%,
Demolitions 95%, Demo Disposal 96%, Combat 0g adv, Air to Air
Combat 170%, Pilot Veritech (all) 98%, Pilot Cyclone (all) 98%,
Mecha Combat: Veritech & Cyclone, Aerial Nav 98%, Interplanetary
Nav. 98%, Orbital Nav. 98%, Navigation 98%, Read Sensory Equ. 98%,
Weapon Sys. 98%, Prowl 50%, Chemistry 98%, Chemistry Analytical 98%,
Math Basic 98%, Math Adv. 98%, Computer Ops. 98%, Computer Programming 98%,
Computer Networks 98%, Computer Hacking 98%, Computer Repair 98%,
Supercomputers 98%, Artificial Intelligence 98%, Cyber-jacking 98%,
Lore: Demon & Monsters 98%, Lore: Faerie 80%, Lore: D-Bee 98%,
Lore: Magic 98% (Recognize Runes, Circles, Wards 98%; Recognize
Enchantment 98%), Acrobatics, Athletics, Gymnastics, Boxing,
W.P. Archery & Targeting, W.P. Blunt, W.P. Knife, W.P. Paired Weapons,
W.P. Staff, W.P. Sword, W.P. Automatic Pistol, W.P. Auto & Semi Rifles,
W.P. Sub-Machinegun, W.P. Flame Thrower, W.P. Grenade, W.P. Grenade Launcher,
W.P. Heavy, W.P. Vehicle Mounted Weapons, W.P. Cyclone Weapon Systems,
W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons,
W.P. Sharpshooter Energy Pistol, W.P. Sharpshooter Energy Rifle.
Weapon Systems:
- XVAF-1 Force Field
Primary Purpose: Defense
Range: Covers the entire veritech.
Mega-Damage: Inflicts none, but can sustain
5000 mega-damage every 15 seconds.
Payload: Nearly inexhaustible.
- Head HI-Lasers (2): The Shadow Alpha has
dual lasers mounted in the "cheeks" of the head. This weapon can only be used
in Battloid mode and is usually used as a last means of defense in
close combat.
Primary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. each (4D6 M.D. per
dual blast).
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of HtH
attacks of the pilot.
Range: 1000 feet (double in space).
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
- MM-80 Multi-Missile System: The Alpha is
bristling with short range missile, 168 in all.
Shoulders: 24 each
Forearms: 28 each (14 on both sides of the arm)
Lower Legs: 32 each (3 missile launchers on each leg)
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft
Missile Type: Any short range missile type
will work. A typical combat mix of missiles is 65 armor piercing, 25 slammer
concussion, 65 plasma, 8 fragmentation, 5 smoke.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys
of two, four, eight, sixteen, thirty or all. The number of volleys the alpha can fire
per melee is equal to his number of HTH attacks.
Range: Varies with missile type; 1 to 5 miles.
Payload: A maximum capacity of 168
short-range missiles. Mini-missiles or medium and long range missiles can not be used.
- GR-35 Shoulder Launch System: The shadow
alpha has an additional pair of missile launchers built into the upper chest area.
Primary Purpose: Assault/Defense
Missile Type: Any short range missile,
usually armor piercing or plasma. Slammer's are used if Heavy combat is expected.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys
of two, four, six, twelve, or sixteen.
Range: Varies with missile type
Payload: 40 in each shoulder launch unit,
for a total of 80.
- HI-Laser Cannons (2): These are plainly seen
on the nose of the Alpha in Jet and Guardian modes, between the cockpit and nose
tip. These lasers have been upgraded to provided more damage and
increased range. This weapon can only be used in fighter and guardian mode.
Primary Purpose: Assault/Defense
Mega-Damage: 2D6x100 M.D. per blast.
4D6x100 M.D. per dual blast.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of hand to
hand attacks.
Effective Range: 5 miles in an atmosphere,
16 miles in space.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
- TW Flare Launcher:
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vampire
Flare Type: Any type of TW flare. 12 Globe
of Daylight, 12 Storm Flares
Mega-Damage: Varies with Flare Type. Globe
of Daylight- None, Storm Flares- 4D6x10 Hit Points for every half melee.
Range: 2000 ft
Payload: 24 total
- Water Cannons (2): Can only be used in
battloid mode.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vampire
Hit Point Damage (1 cannon used): 2D6x10
short burst, 4D6x10 long burst, 6D6x10 for a full melee shot.
Range: 2000 ft
Payload: 1000 short, 500 long, 250 full melee
per cannon. Or a combination of them.
- Shield: This shield is capable of parrying
energy blasts. When not in use it is folded up and stored in a arm compartment.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Range: Within reach
M.D.C. Special: 100 when not in use, but
a renewing force field provides the shield with unlimited M.D.C. when in use.
Number of Attacks per Melee: Equal to number
of hand to hand attacks.
Special Bonus: Adds +2 to parry in hand to
hand combat and even enables the character to attempt to parry/block energy blasts, but
with absolutely no bonuses (natural, unmodified dice rolls only).
- EU-14 Destabilizer: Only one can be carried in
jet mode. Has it's own fusion reactor (80 year life). The Destabilizer fire a
special burst of energy that will disrupt force fields. Against large
shields one blast has an 80% chance of creating a 6D6 foot hole in the
field lasting 4D6 minutes. Against power armor/robot force fields one
blast will obliterate the force field for 4D6 + 20 minutes.
Primary Purpose: Assault/Defense
Secondary Purpose: Force field disruption.
Mega-Damage: Does 4D6x10 M.D. per each blast.
Rate of Fire: Can fire up to the combine # of
HTH attacks.
Range: 6000 ft
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
- SPB-XX Symbiotic Particle Beam: This weapon
has a symbiotic weapons modification. This mod. links the weapon to the alpha and gives
the cannon a pseudo intelligence. The weapon can sense when it is needed and
magically appear in the alpha's hand. Likewise, it can be mentally
summoned or placed in a particular location by the alpha. The range is
limited to a 40 mile radius of the alpha.
The weapon has the following magic properties: A pseudo-intelligence
enabling the device to recognize the needs of the alpha and follow simple
instructions for teleportation, hiding and finding locations.
Teleportation: lesser, levitate, and shadow meld can be performed at
will and without limitation.
The weapon is mounted on the underside of the alpha in fighter
mode, and is carried in the hand in guardian and battloid mode. Can be
used in any mode.
Primary Purpose: Assault and anti-armor
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 660 lb
Mega-Damage: 5D6x10 M.D. per particle
beam blast.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of hand to
hand attacks. Bursts and sprays are not possible.
Maximum Effective Range: 11,000 feet
(2.08 miles), double in space.
Payload: Effectively unlimited
- 60mm Wood Rail Cannon: This cannon is
primarily designed for use against vampires. It is hand held like a rifle.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vampire
Mega-Damage: Does 4D6x10 H.P. to vampires
and 2D4x10 M.D. 75% of having one or more rounds hit and stay in the heart.
Rate of Fire: Can fire up to the # of
HTH attacks.
Range: 6000 ft
Payload: 200 blasts. It takes two melee
actions to reload.
- Flame Thrower: A small unit with a
retractable nozzle and hose is housed in the left forearm.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Damage: 1D4 M.D. per blast of napalm like
fire. Plus there is a 90% likelihood of setting all combustible material, including fuel,
wood, dry grass, clothes and hair on fire. The naplem like fire does an
additional 1D4 M.D. per melee round and burns for 2D4 minutes.
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand to hand attacks
per melee.
Range: 200 ft
Payload: 150 blasts, recharging the fuel
tank takes two minutes.
- Any Hand held weapon can be used desired.
- Combat Skills:
Attacks/actions per Melee: 12
Bonuses: Critical strike on a natural roll of
18-20, Knock out on a natural roll of 18-20, +10 to pull punch, Death blow on a
natural 20.
Strike: +16
Parry: +22
Dodge: +24 in
battloid & guardian mode, +26 in jet mode
Roll: +14
Initiative: +12
Pull Punch: +8
Long Dist. Weapon's: +9
Restrained Punch: 3D6 M.D.
Full Strength Punch: 1D6x10M.D.
Power Punch: 2D6x10 M.D.
Kick: 5D6 M.D.
Leap Kick: 3D6x10 M.D.
Body Block: 5D6 M.D.
Tear/Pry: 3D6 M.D.
Stomp: 3D6 M.D.
Body Flip: 4D6 M.D.
- Cyclone Storage Compartment: This compartment
is located on the top of the alpha. A VR-041 Saber Cyclone is stored in here.
Shadow-Alpha.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.