By: Lee Casebolt
Here is the discussion that brought this list about.
> > I love it!! I'm a long-time Juicer-hater; this is great. > > Suggested name - Coalition DEA (Druggie Elimination Agent) > > Hey! What's wrong with Juicers?? > You want a list?
10 - Anybody who takes more drugs than the Dallas Cowboys is a pussy no matter *what* his stats look like.
9 - INTENTIONALLY giving yourself a 6 year or less lifespan is pretty dumb.
8 - That stupid-ass haircut (check 'em out...)
7 - Bio-Comp Envy...
6 - Wussy "Assassin" weapons
5 - Withdrawal
4 - Wear some goddaman armor, you flea ridden freaks!
3 - Leaving heavy weapons in the hands of someone who's toxicology looks like a Medallin inventory report is NOT my idea of a good thing.
2 - Live fast, die young - who wants to be a (bad) bumper sticker slogan?
And the number one thing wrong with Juicers is...
1 - You know what coke and 'roids do to your sex life? Well, multiply that by about 15 billion times, and then imagine being a Juicer's girlfriend...
Top10_Wrong_with_Juicers.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.