By: Lictalon & Col. Hall of the CS Army
10. "What would happen if I shoved this in your 'air intake'?"
9. XP-17 Super-soaker
8. Use a certain spell called "Energy Disruption" on his bionic lungs.....
7. Pay him to assassinate a certain 15th level Psi-tech you know....
6. "Hey, what's this 'emergency release lever' thingy do?"
5. "C'mon, everybody can learn to swim!" {kick}
4. Borg: "What flash lightning storm?"...
3. Plug 'em into a nuclear power plant and overload their circuits.
2. Remind your friend Elektro, god of technology that he owes you a favor...
1. Flick a millenium bug at them.
-"Here ya go, Mr. Borg, sir!"
-"What the---ackk!"
Top10_Ways_to_Kill_Borg.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.