By: J.R. Webber
Here's a few (hopefully) humorous top ten lists. Not that I was in a rather sick mood when I wrote these last night. Other than that, Enjoy.
10."Let's Go Through Every Palladium Sourcebook and discuss my many house rules"
9. "Why PF Should Be A Rifts Supplement"
8. "2,512 Ways To Get Your Character Killed"
7. "Palladium drools, AD&D rules!"
6. "Revenge of the Munchkins"
5. "Goblin Porno"
4. "Palladium Dragons are Wusses"
3. "How to kill Xy in 4 melees or less"
2. "Space Aliens Invade Palladia!"
1. "Hippoes Hippoes Hippoes!"
Top10_Bad_Netbooks.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.