Real Men, Real Role Players, Loonies, Psychopaths & Munchkins
Heroes Unlimited Edition v. 2.1
By: The Smutlord
With updates by: Mad Dog
Favorite Super Power(s):
- Real Men: Alter Physical Structure = Metal with Invulnerability
- Real Roleplayers: Adhesion, Bend Light, X-Ray Vision, Shape Change
- Loonies: Infrared Vision, Flight: Glide, Mimic
- Munchkins: Alter Physical Structure: God
Favorite Hero Class:
- Real Men: Experimental Super Soldier
- Real Roleplayers: Super Sleuth
- Loonies: Stage Magician
- Munchkin: Experimental Alien Mutant Bionic Super-Soldier Mage, with additional training equivalent
to an Ancient Master/Hardware: All, with a suit of high-tech armor equivalent to a Robot character class
Favorite Game Worlds to have a cross-over campaign with:
- Real Men: Recon: Modern Combat
- Real Roleplayers: Ninjas & Superspies and/or Beyond The Supernatural
- Loonies: 'Toon
- Munchkins: Any Dimension Book which details one of the solar systems they have recently conquered
- Real Men: The army of gun-toting mutants and their dragon leader.
- Real Roleplayers: The maniacal genius with absolutely no super powers, but a dreadful plan and trap for every situation the
heroes seem to come in to.
- Loonies: The guy at the cleaners who won't give him his pants back without a receipt.
- Munchkins: The Real Men
Favorite Mutant Animal to Play:
- Real Men: Lions, Tigers or Bears
- Real Roleplayers: Whatever they roll on the Random Mutation table
- Loonies: Pigeons, so they can poop on people
- Psycopaths: Prefer to play WITH animals
- Munchkins: Anything above Size Level 20
Have a secret identity that works for...
- Real Men: Some kind of secret government agency
- Real Roleplayers: A Newspaper, Preferably one with Daily in the name
- Loonies: Green Peace
- Psycopaths: A butcher shop
- Munchkins: What's a secret identity?
After the battle with their arch-nemesis:
- Real Men: Find a hospital, so they can get their Hit points and SDC back up to full.
- Real Role Players: Bandage themselves up with First Aid skill, then go and pay for sutures and extensive dental work.
- Loonies: Have usually died in the fight.
- Psychopaths: Make turnicuts (sp?) out of the enemy before doing the same thing that Real Men do.
- Munchkins: Return their SDC and Hit points to full without medical attention or paying a cent for medical supplies.
Favorite Resturants
- Real men: Black Angus
- Real Role Players: Soup plantation
- Loonies: Polish resturants
- Psychopaths: Anyplace where there's a crowd of people or the meat is still mooing (yes mooing not moving)
- Munchkins: Anyplace where they have absolute power.
At the movies:
- Real Men: go for action and blood
- Real Roleplayers: enjoy films about the mating habits of japanese fish
- Loonies: comedies featuring sassy robots
- Psychopaths: don't stay for the movie, just plant the nuclear explosive and get out of there
- Munchkins: when someone tells them to shush, they activate their Pendant of Ultimate, Awesome, Unconditional
Favorite TV Shows:
- Real Men: Watch the Dukes of Hazzard
- Real Role-Players: Watch A&E Biographies
- Loonies: Watch South Park... Watch it and you will know
- Psychopaths: Don't watch MST3k, they somehow think that there is a show on TV that is better.. (Red Dwarf my ass)
- Munchkins: Don't understand why anything except increasing stats would be entertaining. However, if they had to watch
something, they would only enjoy Darth Vader's "This Old Death Star" for some tips on building planet crushing weapons.
When Trying to extend their rations:
- Real Men: Steal from the real Role Players
- Real Role players: Use Resist hunger Psionic power
- Loonies: Steal from the real Men
- Psychopath: Kill thier "comrades" and use them and thier rations for food"
- Munchkin: "Extend my Rations? You mean they're suppost to go down, as in lose food?"
Favorite food:
- Real men: MEAT, a 12 lbs worth of steak for an appatiser
- Real Role Players: All foods but tends to eat more healthy and less sugar
- Loonies: Twinkies and SPAM!
- Psychopaths: other PCs
- Munchkins: Really doesn't eat but if he would, it'll have to be the powers of the G.M.
Favorite musical instrument:
- Real men: guitars or anything else that makes them look macho
- Real role players: violins and other classical instruments
- Loonies: enjoy eye flutes
- Psychopaths: novelty dart guns built into flutes
- Munchkins: TRUMPET of ODIN
The arch-types go Christmas Shopping
- Real Men : Buy ammo reloads for all of their friends cool weapons.
- Real Role-players: Buys their friends book and if they don't know how to read, teaches them.
- Real Loonies: Buys swimming lessons for the Vampires down the street.
- Real Psychopaths: Since it's the holidays decides to kill their friends quickly instead of slowly torturing them to death.
- Real Munchkins: To busy blowing things up to have friends.
Here are the contributers to this list and what they added.
Real_HU.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.