The Campaign to convert Palladium to Nightspawn
By: The Smutlord
Nightspawn World Books v. 1.5
- Nightspawn
- Nightspawn Sourcebook 1
- Nightspawn Sourcebook 2: Nightwerks
- Nightspawn Sourcebook 3: Mechanoids
- Nightspawn Conversion Book
- Nightspawn CB II: Nightspawn of the Megaverse
- Nightspawn WB I: Nightspawn Kingdoms
- Nightspawn WB II: Nightspawn in Atlantis
- Nightspawn WB III: Nightspawn in England
- Nightspawn WB IV: Nightspawn, the Dark Continent
- Nightspawn WB V: Triax and the New Nightspawn Republic
- Nightspawn WB VI: South Nightspawn
- Nightspawn WB VII: Nightspawn Underseas
- Nightspawn WBVIII: Japanese Nightspawn
- Nightspawn WB IX: South Nightspawn II
- Nightspawn WB X: Nightspawn Uprising
- Nightspawn WB XI:Nightspawn War Campaign
- Nightspawn WB XII: Nightspawnscape
- Nightspawn WB XIII: Nightstar
- Nightspawn WB XIV: Nightwest
- Nightspawn WB XV: Spiritspawn
- Nightspawn WB XVI: Nightspawn & Gods
- Nightspawn Dimension Book I: Nightworm
- Nightspawn Dimension Book II: Nightspawn World
- Nightspawn Dimension Book III: Nightspawn World Sourcebook
- Nightspawn Dimension Book IV: NightScraypers
And what if it took off and Palladium devoted itself to Nightspawn?
- Compendium of Nightspawn and Armor
- Compendium of Contemporary Nightspawn
- Nightspawn Fantasy RPG
- Nightspawn Fantasy RPG Second Edition
- Adventures on the High Nightspawn
- Adventures in the Nightspawn
- Further Adventures in the Nightspawn
- Island at the Edge of the Nightspawn
- Yinspawn Jungles
- Nightspawn Unlimited
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Nightspawn
- After the Nightspawn
- Nightspawn Hogs
- TMNT Guide to the Nightspawn Universe
- Nightspawn Down Under
- Transdimensional Nightspawn
- Nightspawn of the Yucatan
- Nightspawn in Avalon
- Ninjas & Nightspawn
- Mystic Nightspawn
- Nightech RPG
- Nightspawn Defense Force (NDF) Manual
- Zentraedispawn
- Nightcross
- NDF Accelerated Training Program
- Nightspawn Invasion
- Sentinels: Nightspawn II
- Nightspawn REF Field Guide
- Nightspawn Strike Force
- Macrosspawn II RPG
- Macrosspawn II Sourcebook I: UN Nightspawn
- Nightspawn II: Spacecraft
- Beyond the Nightspawn
- Boxed Nightspawn
- Between the Nightspawn
- Nightspawnlands
- Nightspawn: Modern Combat
- Nightspawn Index: Volume I
And what if the list got into it?
- Tribes of the Spawn
- Crucible of Night
- Persistance of Nightspawn
- Nightspawn, Inc.
- Siege against Nightspawn
- Nightspawn: Tampa
What would happen if Nightspawn met Kender?
- Nightspawn Shees
- Riftsnightech
- Nightokyo, WAR ZONE!
Net OCC's, RCC's, Races
- Jedi Knightspawn
- Immortal Nightspawn
- Nightpspawn Lifter/Shocker/Icer
- An OCC based on All-Purpose-Cultural-Nightspawn, Nuku-Nuku
- Spawn-roids
- Mecha-Night
- Larrspawn
- True Atlantean Nightspawn
- Juicer Nightspawn
- Were-spawn
- Invisible Nightspawn
- Azverkan: Nights of the True Vision
- The Four Nightspawn of Apocalypse
- Colonel Thaddius Night
- General Ross Underspawn
- Erin Spawn, adventurer
- Lord Coake, founder of the Cyber-Nights
- Emperor Prospawn, of the Coalition of Nightspawn states
- Abrasax, Demon Nightspawn
- Kym-nark-mar, Ancient Frost Nightspawn of the Pantheon of DragonNight
- Julian the First Nightspawn, leader of the Juicer-Nightspawn Liberation Army
- Lord Splynncrtyth, Nightspawn Intelligence
- Zurvan, God of NightTime
- Xy, Great Old Spawn...symbol of Night Incarnate
- Isispawn, Goddes
- Modeus, Lord of Nightspawn
- Myyrlyn, the Nightspawn
- The Nightspawn of the Lake
Coming in V 2.0 ... weapons, PA, 'Bots, armor and equipment.
The campaign continues! And it now has a slogan...
Nightspawn: One basic game system... a whole Megaverse
of adventure!
Quite Possibly The Spawn Of Satan Himself:
The Smutlord
If you have any ideas that could be added to this Campaign, I'm sure that The Smutlord is
open to suggestions. You can reach him at
Campaign.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.