Fun Things to do when You're Invulnerable
By: Brice Daury
- Skyscraper diving
- Defusing bombs without the Dem. Disposal skill (whoops, wrong wire, again...)
- Letting BIG things swallow you whole so that you can re-enact that scene from Pinochio
where Gipeto(sp?) lived inside the whale's belly after it ate him
- Skydiving, without the parachute!
- Testing new and unreliable weapons/vehicles
- Special discount on airfare, sits on OUTSIDE of plane!
- Playing knuckles with cyborgs
- Laying on subway tracks and letting train run over you is cheaper way to realign back
than chiropractor
- Playing 'Name that Calibre', lets friends blindfold them and then tries to guess the
calibre of bullets that are shot at them
- Handball with anti-personnel grenades
Things_todo_Invulnerable.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.