By S. John Ross © 1997
Permission to Archive, Post, Circulate, Print and Rant About is granted, provided this document is never sold for profit, or altered in content.
Version 1.0
Check the box for each "Have you ever" question to which your answer is "YES." Total the number of negative responses. Divide the total result by 75 (the number of questions on the test). The result is your Gamer Purity (or, more accurately, your Gamer IMpurity ... the higher the score, the less pure you are).
Example: You answered "YES" to 17 of the 75 questions. You have a score of 22.7% - pretty darn pure. Note that the questions assume that you have been both a player and Game Master. If you haven't been both, you're too virginal for this test. Come back when you're more experienced . . . :)
Rating Your Purity: A Subjective Scale
GMpurity.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.