Direct from a fan of BtS!
Recently I recieved a FWD: e-mail from one of our signees. This person had written Palladium Books and asked a whole ton of questions and spoke their peace about the second edition BtS supposedly coming out. I got a copy of the letter from the person directly, and have decided to post it her for all you to see! Please read this, and if you agree, or disagree e-mail me and I'll add a few more fan letters here too. Oh yeah, and writing Palladium Books like this is great! Thank you Sailor Venus for your letter and thanks for your interest in the game and my page!
Dear Palladium Books,
I like Beyond the Supernatural
much better. RIFTS has compatibility problems with itself, for example each new sourcebook has things
far more powerful than the previous books, not to mention the main book! If you had a character form the main
book he'd be blown away by the new stuff!
I played a Rogue Scholar for nearly 4 months and I lived by the skin of my teeth because I could not fight for
myself in a fight. The coalition had way too powerful weapons for me to handle, and their SAMAS ari support
made it impossible for me to fight them. However the guy with the BOOM gun had no problem solving this dilema.
If the game is centered around combat and hack-n-slash the role-playing styled characters are never going to excell
and teh powered characters are the only option. If you set a role-playing based scenario only these few OCCs are
used to their full potential, and you still advance slower and even with the big guys, wher as they advance in
a role-playing style AND the battles! Seems like the game should be TWO seperate ones. One for the Role-playing
aspect and one fo rthe High-tech mecha fighting!
I think that if you put Beyond the Supernatural to this style it'll ruin the game. You can not have MDC monsters
for example. If you created this style of game NO ONE could fight that monster! Not even the militarry! If you
create a RIFTS-like atmosphere for the game I feel it'll lose that certain realistic edge it holds so well.
B.t.S. is a great game alone, but I feel that it needs more attention, not a quick two minute butcher to RIFTS
comaptibility! I have a few cahracters from B.t.S. in RIFTS with few probelms! I like the older SDC only system you
had with Ninjas and Superspies, Heroes Unlimited, B.t.S. I really think that taking these titles to be a RIFTS-style
would be a big mistake.
I also was concerned with the fact that B.t.S. has had nothing new for a long time! Are you planning on new boooks?
If you make it a RIFTS add-on sure it'll sell more, but I think that you'll lose that prestige that B.t.S. has now.
Please consider keeping the game as it is before you slash it to a RIFTS title! It has a "Megaverse" of opportunities
all it's own! You just need to discover them!
here is the site I mentioned above: (It is the only one ENTIRELY for BtS I know of on the web!)
Thanks for your time and please respond to my concerns. I have been a long time customer with you and would like
nothing more than to stay that way!
"Sailor Venus"
I saw a cool page devoted to Beyond the Supernatural. I think you should add it to your list.
B.t.S. is so unique and fascinationg yet you see nothing for it. I saw that they had a petition
to save the game and I signed it. I saw your response posted on teh web page and am wonderng why
are you making the game a RIFTS ad-on? It seems that anything that comes out or is out already has to made
to work as a RIFTS sourcebook. I have played RIFTS and personally The Great Ressurection (Dedicated ENTIRELY to BtS)
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