New Changes
Ok, I've been asked to display what will be changing here....
Well, it's not easy to say. FIrst off as you probably saw the main page text color was changed because I had a few people mention it was difficult to read the darker blue on the black starry background. I also have removed the two JAVA applets that once decorated the introduction page. They have been replaced by a single ticker tape applet you can see scrolling messages on your browsera bottom status bar. If you want either code you can get them by visiting my test page and copying the source code. All three applets are there.
Things done Already!
The Main Page Java code was changed. Old applets can be found on my test page.
Font color on the main page was changed for easier reading.
Also a Privacy Note has been added for people signing the form (And those who have).
The List has been updated and cleaned up after a few people noted a HTML minor error. Oooops.
Things expected to come:
Psionics are coming October, hopefully before Halloween.
An adventure for the Victim Campaign, in the spirit of this month's holiday.
More magic.
A voter's poll on a few general subjects, and with good feedback a few more to follow to make an on going monthly poll.
With help I'd like to see a monthly newsletter, any volunteers?