Q. What is Beyond the Supernatural?
A. Beyond the Supernatural (BTS) is a Role Playing Game made by
Palladium Books. The game is a game of contemporary
horror, in a modern setting.
Q. What is out for BTS?
A. As far as I know only the main book was ever created for this game. However, it does go nicely
with the "SDC Megaverse", from which I imagine a good GM could use anything in BTS.
Q. Isn't "Boxed Nightmares" a BTS Sourcebook?
A. Yes and no. Yes, it is workable with BTS with little or no modification (from what I've been
told). No, in that it is NOT exclusively for BTS. It is easily used with BTS and it is listed with
BTS in the "Other Stuff ..." section of Palladium's Web Page. They list that it is "Suitable for
use with Nightbane™.". Nowhere do they say it is for BTS. From what I have heard it is
"suitable" with BTS just as easily, as they are BOTH (Nightbane and BTS) part of the "SDC Megaverse."
Q. What is the "SDC Megaverse"
A. The "SDC Megaverse" is a term many players use to describe the older Palladium Books games. A
bunch of their original games did not have MDC. The games in this "megaverse" are (but not limited
to) the following: Heroes Unlimited (and it's sourcebooks), Beyond the Supernatural, Ninjas and
Superspies, Nightbane (formerly Nightspawn), and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. All of
these games (and maybe a few more) all use the SDC system exclusively, meaning the game is
entirely SDC!
Q. Isn't Mystic China a BTS Sourcebook?
A. No, Mystic China isn't really a sourcebook for any one game. It, from what I've gathered, is
actually a basic sourcebook for any of the SDC Megaverse games. It has no real solid background
to one game or another. (But it seems to best fit Ninjas and Superspies)
Q. Does Palladium still make things for the SDC Megaverse?
A. Yes, they still produce copies of most of the games and are still working on newer stuff for
Q. Are the "SDC Megaverse" Games just back burner, or is just BTS?
A. This is difficult to answer, since I do not work at Palladium Boooks. I can say though that I
have heard of a newer Edition of Heroes Unlimited coming out soon, and even now they are
creating newer stuff for Nightbane, which by the way has it's own section on the web page.
Q. What signifigance does BTS have?
A. It is the ONLY book, to my knowledge, to list so many monsters, give the GM many options for
campaigns, and have a limitless possibility for horror story role playing.
Q. Can BTS be used as a sourcebook?
A. Of course, a good GM can use anything as a sourcebook. BTS is a very unique game setting it far
apart from anything else that Palladium Books makes. The authors (Randy McCall and Kevin Siembieda)
created a very diverse, yet fitting, atmosphere that is not so easily incorporated into other games,
but makes an excellent stand-alone!
Q. Is there any new BTS stuff planned to come out?
A. According to what appears to be the trend from Palladium Books, I'd say no. Sadly they appear
to be too interested in the Fantasy RPG (of the same name as the company) and their #1 seller,
RIFTS. Apparently some efforts are going into Nightbane. It appears that BTS has been all but
shafted out. However I have sent this question to Palladium Books I'll post the response here
for everyone to read!
Q. If Palladium Books has dumped BTS can we hope to get it back?
A. YES, There is ALWAYS hope. We need as many people as possible to sign their names to the list
to save BTS. It may not be going out, but if it is Palladium will know that we want more! Please,
get everyone you know to sign the list. We NEED names and people to agree that the game is worth
playing! I will have a form on my page where you can e-mail me your name and e-mail address
(optional, but prefered) to add to the list.
More to come soon!