Buzy Town

A Teeny-Bopper Adventure

This adventure is about giant bugs, bees mainly, attacking the city/town where the girls live. This adventure can be run alongside any campaign without too much trouble, and only minor adjustmwents. It can also be used on it's own as a stand alone adventure. I hope you enjoy this one. My players did!

Anytime you see these brackets, { }, this is for GM's eyes ONLY!!! To see the text here highlight it as if to "copy" it. Much of the GM only info has been shielded to aid in stoppin nosy players from reading information that can ruin the uncertainty of the adventure. Players are encouraged NOT to read this if you see it!

Begining the Story is quite easy. On the way to the mall, after school (on a Friday Afternoon), practice, study hall, detention, etc. the group is approached by a man in a long black robe (Yeah I know it's cliche' but tough) and told "Watch yoursleves today. Bees are very deadly to little princesses like you." and nothin more. {Most likely the girls will consider the man a sick perverted creep and ignore him, good! When they are not looking he vanishes, leaving no trace of where he went.}

After this brief encounter the girls may or may not be scared off. { If they are jsut have a group of 12 year olds over hear the discution and mock the cowardly 13 year olds, this will make the girls wan to continue their trek to the mall. } If they continue to the mall let them do as they pleaese. It is a mall, not too large, but big enough to fill their desires, and empty their purses.

After 1 1/2 hours of shopping, and browsing, they are getting quite hungry. Obviouly the food court is the place to go. { If the players do not wnat to go there, have a advertisement of free samples of the girls favortie ice cream, if they do not go, fine. Just move the monsters.} They arrive and look around. The food court is unusually quiet. Only a few tables are taken up, including one with some really cute guys (13-14 years old). After a few minutes of "observing" they hear screaming.

Looking to the left (the direction of the screaming) they see a lady pointing at the skylight. Looking up, nothing can be seen. She calms to have seen a bee the size of a human! Of course, everyone around thinks she's insane and she IS getting quite dangerous with that spatula...

What the characters do next is entirely up to them. Nothing at this point is crucial. Howeer they will eventually go home, and they all walk partway together. Just when they are getting ready to split up(or when they all reach their neighborhood- if they live close to eachother) tell the player's they hear a buzz.

{ It should be evening, but the time can be different depending on how long the girls went shopping and how long they took to get home, and how long they spent admiring the guys.}

Let the players decide what to do. If they turn around they do not see anything. Looking around will provide NO clues as to the source. { Looking up will show a group of 2D8 giant bees diving downword to attack} After they continue to walk along one person is hit (GM's roll randomly to see who was hit, yes it was a surprise atack) This happens if the girls did not look up. If they did roll their Initiatives as the bees dive towards them.

Giant Bee Stats.

Looking around the girls see a set of hockey stiks and pads on the ground (in the nearest driveway). Nobody appears to be home. If used as a weapon the hockey sticks do 1D4+1 damage, and the pads can be worn like light armor: AR:6 SDC:15. (Hey it's light sporting equipment, want serious protection rob a National Gaurd Armory!)

The girls (one or all) notice a small drainage pipe, only a little dirty, that they can crawl into. The bees will NOT be able to follow them. If they run for it skip the next paragraph(s) actions (But read it for the person they meet).

The girls finally finish off the bees. (NOTE: The girls can easily cover one another long enough for ALL of them to put on the pads if they want (there is just enough oddly [grin]Isn't GM'ing great?). After their, no doubt, awesome (and lucky) victory the man in blac approaches them. "You've done well, for little girls." (He'll heal anyone-through some sortof magic tha makes his eyes and hands glow red- completely) "More is too come, go hide in that sewer, you will be safe tonight. Tomorrow you go home. Tooo dagerous to travel now." Then he fades away, while pointing at the sewer vent. Going home will only revel a large mud-like wall blocking the way and lots more creatures bigger and stronger looking than the bees. The sewer looks like the only safe place to go.

After crawling into the sewer the lead girl sees a light a little ways off. The girls behind her only see the girl infront of them's butt. Sorry, too small an area to see around, and it's the plain truth! Anyway, when they reach teh end they get to a ladder. With no where to go they have to clim down. Getting to the bottom only takes a few seconds.

The girls find themsleves in a warm room with a bunch of beds and food rations (presumably camping and/or military). The beds all have a comfortable-looking amtress and a warm looking quilt. While exploring someone should stumble upon a golden box. Opening it revelas 1D4X10 large square band-aid looking things that are a pale bluish color. They feel soft anfd give off a feeling of safety and health to those that touch them. While investigating them the girls here a voice (the man in black), "those heal you much they way I do (say that only if hela heals one or more of the girls). Just a tad slow, but useful still. They're yours, but do share. They are not cheap nor easy to make. They can only be used once. There is food, water, and a TV here for you to use. In the morning please take the weapons (The girls see a cabinet that wasn't there earlier) and go on your way. Your parents have all ran to friends or relatives' houses for thenight so they will not know you're not home. I leave the task of making up a story to you. I can do no more. Goodnight." and then he dissapears again.

The Next Morning the girls set out. In the weapons cabinet there is the following:

The girls must decide who gets what and can be on their way. No other supplies remain (Except a prepared breakfast of cereal (Special-K, etc.) and milk). On the way home they will fight a bunch of bugs, including ants, bees, and beetles. When they run out of ammo it'd be adviseable to drop the gun. When everyone is out of ammo the bugs mysteriously dissapear (after the girls resume running towards their houses). Getting to the wall should ONLY happen AFTER all the girls are out of ammo and have lost their weapons.

The wall is gone and the street looks like normal. Hmmm.... When they get home only a few hours have passed, but it was real?! wasn't it?! Their parents have no clue of what the girls were doing (nor do they care), but they are all introuble for breaking curfew! When they try to prove that the bugs were real, no scars and/or weapons can be found, what happened?!

Well, there goes our weekend!