September 10, 1997

Dear BTS Supporters and Honored Vistors,

I am sorry to report my lack of recent updates to this page. When I tripped the "300" mark this morning I was thrilled to see that my page was indeed gaining hits and interest. I sincerely hope that our efforts will not be tossed aside.

But I can not do this alone. I NEED YOUR HELP!!! Anyone with anything to add to my page needs to e-mail me. Also it is vitally important that you pass arounf this web page addess and title to as many RPG pages as you can. My addition to the Palladium Web Ring, thanks to Chris Curtis, has shown a considerable increase in hits, almost overnight

If you have anything to add to this page, notice any errors, or wqould just like to help out; please do! It is essential to our cause and extremely helpful.

                                           Matthew Bartlett