*- Hot wiring (+5%)
*- Computer Hacking (+10%)
- Recognise quality & complexity of Electrical Systems (+5%)
*- Building Vehicles
- Recognize Vehicle quality (+10%)
*- Make and Modify weapons (+5%)
- Recognize weapon Quality (+10)
*Use these skills as they are presented in HU. If using telemechanics simultaniously i.e. using telemechanics for the ENTIRE time period required for completeing a specified task, a temporary bonus of +50% applies to these skills. GM's should feel free to add to the basic tables presented in HU adding as many or as few bonuses and penalties as they feel apply.
Attribute Requirements: IQ 16, ME 15, PE 12
OCC Skills
Radio:Basic (+10%)
Electrical Engineer (+30%)
*Robot Electronics (+20%)
*Computer Repair (+25%)
Mechanical Engineer (+30%)
*Aircraft Mechanics (+25%)
*Robot Mechanics (+20%)
*Spaceship Mechanics (+20%)
*Submersible Vehicle Mechanics (+20%)
*Weapon Engineer (+25%)
**MD Bionics/Cybernetics (+20%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+20%)
Weapon Systems (+25%)
Math:Advanced (+20%)
Chemistry:Analytical (+20%)
Computer Operation (+30%)
Computer Programming (+30%)
Language: techno-can 98%
Literacy: techno-can 98%
W.P. energy pistol
Pilot: pick two from the following list (+15%)automobile
small spacecraft
small planeHTH NONE! - This is intentional HTH basic can be aquired at the cost of 3 other skills.
*note: picking any of these skills a second time will result in the character being regarded as an expert in that field gaining a (+20%) on top of the other bonuses.
**note: This MD in bionics/cybernetics is highly specialized and the Technoid is not competent to perform sugical procedures only to make, modify, or repair impalants/bionics. In fact any character facing the possibility of surgery by a Technoid should roll for horror factor 18.
OCC Related Skills: Select four other skills from the following list plus an additional skill at level three, six, nine, tweleve.
Communication: Any (+10%)
Domestic: NONE
Electrical: Any (+15%)
Espionage: NONE
Mechanical: Any (+15%)
Medical: First Aid only
Military: Armor and Camouflage only (+10%)
Physical: Athletics only
Pilot: automobile, motorcycle, hovercraft, small spacecraft, truck, small airplane only
Pilot Related: Any (+10%)
Rogue: NONE
Science: Any (+10%)
Technical: NONE
WP: modern wp's only
Wilderness: NONE
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select three additional skills from the above list without the benefits of the bonuses in parenthesis.
Standard Equipment: Gets one energy pistol of choice plus 1d4 e-clips. Light body armor and basic tools of the trade. Everything else is provided by the Asylum on an as needed basis.
Money: The Technoid gets a roof over his head, food, clothing and other basic necessities as part of his pay. He also gets a monthly salary of 4000 credits a month.
Note: the retirement options for the Technoid are the same as the Enforcer OCC.
Cybernetics: The Technoid loves these little marvels of technology and will start out with 2d4 IMPLANTS. More will be considered although they can only be gained at the cost of the psychic powers.