Techno-Freak OCC

As always these OCC's have no racial restrictions and should only be used to enhance the combat value of childeren's toys and foodstuffs.

The Techno-Freaks serve in a variety of functions, the primary three being administration, field support, and research assistant. As an admin. the Techno-freak (TF) will oversee a project(s) that the Grease-Monkey's are working on. As field support the TF's are the only combat rated members of the Asylum technical division, these are the field mechanics and combat Engineers of the Asylum Armed Forces (AAF). As such these operatives are sent on missions with Enforcers, ambassadors, and exploration. Lastly the TF's are among the few beings that can understand and communicate with the Technoid's easily. This has lead to a very natural pairing of the two OCC's for research and presentation purposes.

The Techno-Freaks are abaritions when compared to other Asylum technical personnel because they are not insane nor do they suffer from the same extreme obsession (they still love technology, they just realize that there is more than just technology) of technology. The individuals serve as the only link between Grease-Monkey's, the Technoid's, the AAF, and the technically illiterate. They understand better then anyone the obssesion with technology that the Grease-Monkey's and Technoid's suffer from yet, they have not forgotten what it is like to not understand it. Thus, the Techno-Freaks also work hard at helping people to understand and adapt to new technologies.

Techno-Freak OCC Bonuses

1) The Techno-Freaks do not have the same bond with technology that the Grease-Monkey's or Technoid's have. However, a large portion (about 90%) of Techno-Freaks have developed a 'machine empathy.' This means that the Techno-Freak can sit down at nearly any piece of equipment and operate it at a base percentage of 25-75% depending on the complexity of the device. This is operation at a basic level, although given enough time (GM's discrection) the character could come to understand the device well enough to become skilled in it's operation.

Attribute Requirements: IQ 12, ME 12, PE 10, MA 12

OCC skills

Basic and Advanced math (+20%)
Radio:Basic (+15%)
Electrical Engineer (+10%)
Computer Repair (+10%)
Mechanical Engineer (+10%)
Weapons Engineer (+7%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Pilot: pick any four (+10%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
Language: Pick four (+10%)
Literacy: Pick five (+10%)
WP: Energy Rifle
WP: Energy Pistol
HTH: Advanced
( HTH: Martial Arts can be selected at the cost of 3 other skills )

OCC Related Skills: The character also gets to select 10 other skills from the following list plus, one new skill at level three, five, seven, nine, and eleven.

Communications: Any (+7%)
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Any (+7%)
Espionage: NONE
Mechanical: Any (+7%)
Medical: First Aid only
Military: Any (+5%)
Physical: Any
Pilot: Any (+7%)
Pilot Related: Any (+7%)
Rogue: NONE
Science: Any
Technical: Any (+5%)
WP: Any
Wilderness: NONE

Secondary Skills: The character gets to select six additional skills from the above list without the benefit of bonuses listed in parenthesis.

Standard Equipment: A portable tool kit, and other basic tools of the trade. Medium body armor, three weapons of choice and 1d6 e-clips for each. The Asylum will provide or issue any other equiment that the character needs for whatever mission they are performing. The character also has access to the vehicle pool for personnal use subject to availablity.

Money: The Techno-Freak gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and other basic necessities as part of his pay. The character also gets a monthly salary of 2500 credits a month and starts with three months pay.

Note: Techno-Freaks that go rogue will be hunted down and captured/killed depending on the situation by the Asylum. However, the Techno-Freak is allowed to moonlite and vaction subject to the same requirments of the Enforcer OCC. If the Techno-Freak would like to retire from active duty, he will be pulled back to one of the homeworlds and allowed to live as a civilian.

Cybernetics: The character starts with 1d6 and will more then likely continue to aquire them throughout his career. The character may start out as a partial conversion borg similar to the Enforcer at the cost of five other skills and all secondary skills.

By The Laughing Lunatic