Talent Compilation

This is a compilation of all the talents found in the Nightbane books and many found on the web. The compilation was done by Chris Curtis, however none of the talents are his. Credit is given to the creators on the page on which they are found. The URL, page number, and/or book the talent is found at has been included for your convenience.

Hopefully, this compilation will make it easier for people to know what's already been created. Then they can create their own original talent or try to improve upon an existing one.

Talents in the Nightbane Books

Nightbane Rule Book. The Pages are listed in parentheses:

Common Talents:

Elite Talents:

Nightbane World Book One: Between the Shadows. The page numbers are in parentheses.

Common Talents:

Nightbane World Book Two: Nightlands. The page numbers are in parentheses:

Common Talents:

Talents on the Web

Chris Smith has an excellent selection of talents from various people. The list is huge and constantly updated, so I will just put a link to his talents page:


If you are aware of any other pages on the web that have new Talents, please let me know.

Original List compiled by Chris Curtis (curtis@thepentagon.com).