As it stands now, PP bonuses aren't very useful to anyone but a martial artist because PP bonus isn't applied to guns. Granted, this is supposed to make the extreme range of a gun compared to a punch or sword ballanced, but thinking about it, I just can't see why they did that.
I have fired a gun before. I have seen people who are uncoordinated and clumsy (low PP) fire a gun, and people who are coordinated and steady (high PP) fire as well. I will grant that training makes one better, but speaking from one who has had experience with his own attempts to fire a gun, I believe that a steady hand helps as well. Therefore, some ideas for bonuses for individual weapons and stuff.
Hand or foot: PP Bonus + H-H Bonus
Sword/knife/spear/ect.: P.P. Bonus + WP Bonus
A Weapons Kata: P.P. Bonus + The Form bonus + Weapons Kata
Gun: P.P. Bonus + W.P. Bonus
Editor's Note: Personally, I think it should be 1/2 PP Bonus + WP Bonus
If it should exist...
A gun Weapons Kata: Same as a Weapons Kata
Dodge: P.P. Bonus + H-H Bonus
Versus a gun: -4
Versus a laser: -6
Parry: P.P. Bonus+H-H bonus
Versus a gun: not possible unless otherwise noted
Versus a laser: not possible unless otherwise noted.
Roll: H-H Bonus
Now, next question, how does one set up bonuses in a robot or fighter (so as to award a pilot with a high PP bonus with a better chance to survive?)