Special Bombs

Most bombs used are not smart bombs. However, this does not mean that they do not have guidance systems. Bombs are able to use almost all of the guidance systems normally employed by missiles. See the Weapon Guidance article for more information on different guidance types and availability.

Note: Unlike other bombs which often only damage through blast radius, the special bombs described here do not inflict double damage on a direct hit. This is because either almost all of the hits are already direct, or being at the center of the explosion doesn't matter. Natural 20s still count as a critical strike.

Free-Fall Bombs

These special bombs are almost always free-fall bombs and thus cannot deviate to strike moving or alternate targets. Free-fall bombs do however, possess crude steering fins which can be used to steer the bomb toward the target. The horizontal range of a free-fall bomb depends upon the altitude from which it was dropped. The higher the altitude, the longer the possible range of the bomb.

Drop Altitude Maximum Horizontal Range
0-1000ft (0-305m) 100ft (30.3m)
1001-4000ft (306-1219m) 2500ft (762m)
4001-10000ft (1220-3048m) 5500ft (1676m)
10001-20000ft (3049-6096m) 10500ft (1.99 miles/3.2km)
20001-30000ft (6097-9144m) 16500ft (3.13 miles/5.03km)
30001-40000ft (9145-12192m) 22000ft (4.16 miles/6.7km)
40001-50000ft (12193-15240m) 28000ft (5.3 miles/8.5km)
50000+ft (15241+m) 33500ft (6.3 miles/10.2km)


Cluster warheads work by dispersing numerous submunitions. Each submunition is a small grenade-like bomb. These bombs impact all over the target area cratering it, thus causing widespread damage. Historically, one of the more useful applications of these bombs was for disabling runways. The cluster munitions impact all over the runway, rendering it unusable. The runway must then be repaired before it is possible to use it again. Cluster bombs have become somewhat less useful, though, with the increasingly widespread use of VTOL aircraft.

Maximum Range
Blast Radius
Anti-Runway (Light) 1D6x10 * 1/2 mile (0.8km) * 5 ft (1.5 m) 10 15,000
Anti-Runway (Medium) 1D6x10 * 1/2 mile (0.8km) * 5 ft (1.5 m) 15 25,000
Anti-Runway (Heavy) 1D6x10 * 1/2 mile (0.8km) * 5 ft (1.5 m) 25 42,000
Anti-Runway (X-Heavy) 1D6x10 * 1/2 mile (0.8km) * 5 ft (1.5 m) 35 55,000

* This weapon works by distributing (100 for Light bombs, 200 for Medium Bombs, 400 for heavy bombs, and 800 for X-Heavy Bombs) grenade type bombs to the target area. Each bomb does 1D6x10 MD to a 5 ft radius. The bombs are dispersed evenly within a 25ft radius for Light bombs , a 35ft radius for Medium bombs, a 50ft radius for heavy bombs, and a 70ft radius for X-Heavy bombs.

Anti-Runway versions of the bombs are work slightly differently. All of the bombs are dispersed along a path down the runway, thus rendering is unusable. Light bombs create a path 20ft wide by 75 ft long, Medium bombs create a path 30ft wide by 100 feet long, Heavy bombs create a path 40ft wide by 130ft long, and X-Heavy bombs create a path 60ft wide by 200ft long.

Deployable Minefield

Deployable minefield bombs are used to deliver mines in front of, behind, or even on top of enemy troops. Minefields will usually severely slow down advancing troops as they attempt to either clear or bypass the field. This time can be used by friendly troops to regroup, attack, or any of a number of things.

Maximum Range
Blast Radius
Anti-Personnel Minefield (Light) 7D6** 1/2 mile (0.8km) * 20ft (6.1m) 10 17,000
Anti-Personnel Minefield (Medium) 7D6** 1/2 mile (0.8km) * 20ft (6.1m) 15 25,000
Anti-Personnel Minefield (Heavy) 7D6** 1/2 mile (0.8km) * 20ft (6.1m) 25 45,000
Anti-Personnel Minefield (X-Heavy) 7D6** 1/2 mile (0.8km) * 20ft (6.1m) 35 60,000
* Light bombs deliver 50 mines covering a 150ft by 150ft (45.7 m by 45.7 m) area, Medium bombs deliver 100 mines covering a 200ft by 200ft (61 m by 61 m) area, Heavy bombs deliver 200 mines covering a 265ft by 265ft (81m by 81m) area, and X-Heavy bombs deliver 400 mines covering a 350ft by 350ft (107m by 107m) area. The delivery pattern ensures that the entire area is covered with all areas within the trigger radius of at least one mine.
** Anti-personnel mines will be triggered by pressure of over 100 lb (45kg) within 15ft (4.6m).
Maximum Range
Blast Radius
Anti-Vehicle Minefield (Light) 1D4x10*** 1/2 mile (0.8km) * 20ft (6.1m) 10 18,000
Anti-Vehicle Minefield (Medium) 1D4x10*** 1/2 mile (0.8km) * 20ft (6.1m) 15 26,000
Anti-Vehicle Minefield (Heavy) 1D4x10*** 1/2 mile (0.8km) * 20ft (6.1m) 25 47,000
Anti-Vehicle Minefield (X-Heavy) 1D4x10*** 1/2 mile (0.8km) * 20ft (6.1m) 35 62,000
*** Anti-vehicle mines will be triggered by pressure of over 400lb (180kg) within 15ft (4.6m)

Fuel Air Explosive

Fuel-Air Explosives (FAEs) are designed to cause massive damage by misting, then igniting a cargo of fuel. This detonation causes an incredible concussive effect. FAEs are much more effective against infantry or very lightly armored targets than against hard targets. One of the more useful aspects of the FAE is that the concussive effect is equal over virtually the entire blast radius. One unusual use for FAEs deals with minefields. The concussive pressure from the explosion will often either detonate pressure-sensitive mines or clear the dirt and earth off of them, making locating and disposing of them much easier.

Maximum Range
Blast Radius
Fuel-Air Explosive (Light) 4D4x10* 1/2 mile (0.8km) * 100ft (30.3m) 10 14,000
Fuel-Air Explosive (Medium) 4D4x10* 1/2 mile (0.8km) * 120ft (36.4m) 15 20,000
Fuel-Air Explosive (Heavy) 4D4x10* 1/2 mile (0.8km) * 150ft (45.5m) 25 38,000
Fuel-Air Explosive (X-Heavy) 4D4x10* 1/2 mile (0.8km) * 250 ft (75.8m) 35 50,000
* Full damage is inflicted to all targets under 150 MDC. Targets possessing more MDC only take half damage.
** Targets within the blast radius are likely (01-88%) to be knocked off their feet and stunned (01-65%). Targets knocked down will lose one melee action and initiative. Stunned targets are -10 to strike/parry/dodge/roll are the last to attack (no initiative) and lose half their attacks per melee for 1D4 rounds.

Back to Revised and Expanded Missile & Bomb Tables.

By Chris Curtis (curtis@thepentagon.com).
With help from Mad Dog (maddog1@Alaska.NET) and
Kitsune (Kitsune@vabch.com).
Copyright © 1997, 1998 Chris Curtis. All rights reserved.

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