Siren OCC

(It's really more of an RCC, but the fact that it is not restricted to any one race sort of makes that a difficult concept)

Sirens are psionics that can augument their psionic abilities by using sounds, specifically, thier voices. They also have a few unique abilities, not found in other psionics. They have the power to control minds, and to deflect bullets with thier voices, and can perform feats unheard of by most other psionics. Most sirens are human, although elves and true antlateeans make a sizeable proportion. There have been reports of mermaids also exhibiting siren-like abilites, along with the isolated rumours of ogre's.

Attribute requirments: IQ 8+, ME 12+, Female, and related to human.
Bonuses: + 1 to save vs psionics. +1D4 to MA.
ISP: 3D4*10 + ME
PPE: 3D6 (Usual reasons)
SDC / HP: Racial OCC Abilities

1. Perfect Pitch. The siren has perfect pitch, can hold a note perfectly, almost indefinitly. The can sing a tune after only hearing it once, and have a very large range of notes. They can, if musically trained, tell what a note is, excactly, just by listening to it.
ISP cost: none.
Duration: constant.

2. Sound control. The siren can cancel out sounds, by singing the "anti sound". This requires the siren to stand still, and concentrate on what she is singing. (Note: It is obvious that the siren is singing, despite the fact that nothing can be heard). At low levels, the siren can block all sound, whilst at higher levels, she can selectivly block certain noises. From level one, the siren can block all noise within a 10ft per level radius. Starting at level 4, she can selectivly tune out one distinct source of noise eg a piece of machinery, a person talking or something similar. However, this halfs the range that the siren can block to, only 5 ft per level. For every 2 levels after that she can tune out an additional object. eg a level 8 siren could tune out the voice of a person, and a piece of machinery, out to a distance of 40 ft.
ISP cost: 5 per minute

3. Sonic attacks There are 2 types of attacks that the siren can make.

1) Mind control. The siren can attempt to take over somone's mind, to force them to do what they want them to do, or to encourage them to do so. This is the same as the the hypnotic suggestion psionic power, except that the siren must sing to do so, and the target must be able to hear her. It is possible to direct this, so that a siren can only effect on person out of an auidience. The target does not need to be in eye contact, just in hearing distance.
ISP, Duration: As hypnotic suggestion

2) Sonic shocks. The siren can break down the physical structure of an object. This is done by focusing psycic enegry into sonic energy, using the singing of the siren as the focal point. This requires concentration, and time to get the best effect. The amount of damage done is proportional to the hardness of the target, so an MDC target will take MDC, and an SDC target will take SDC damage. In the first round the target takes 1 point of damage. in the second round the target takes 2 points of damage, in the third 3 etc... To increase the damage takes 1 melee action, so if they parry or dodge, then they cannot increase to damage done. If the siren takes hit point damage, or is stunned/knocked down, they she will be unable to continue.
ISP: 5 per melee round. If the siren is prevented from singing, or takes Hp damage etc then the ISP is lost.

4. Vibro blades. As sound is just vibration, and the sirens can control sound, they can affect vibro blades too. The siren must focus her voice on the blade, causing it to vibrate. The experianced siren can also cause a vibro blade to stop vibrating, by canceling out the vibrations with her voice.
ISP to turn a blade into a vidro blade: 10 ISP per minute.
ISP to stop a vibroblade from working: 15 ISP per minute. (Must be 4th level or higher).

5. Defence against sonic attacks Slightly different from the sound control above. The siren can block sonic attacks. This is resolved as a skill roll. The siren must roll 50% + 5% per level to block it. This is the siren singing at the attack, to neutrilise it. This cannot be used at the same time as any other ability (except see below..)

6. Multiple uses. In general, a siren can only use one of these abilities at once. However, once the siren get's to 7th level, she has ability to perform 2 of her abilitys at once, but only those that that involve her voice.

Conventional psionics: Select 2 from each catogory except super, plus one from any, except super, every 2 levels (3,5,7 etc). At fifth level select one from super, but not psi sword or psi shield.

As Mind Melter but add singing at +40%

By The Black Man