Naruni Plasma Block

Naruni's R&D has been at it again! With the long standing use of fusion blocks and plastic to blow things up, they were overlooked. But many times people need a silent way to get through an MDC door or such. Now there is an answer - the Naruni Plasma Block!

The Plasma Block is a 1 lb piece of plasma similar to the plasma rounds used in many Naruni rifles. However, it takes 10 seconds to burn but does a large amount of damage. It's also very quiet - which doesn't alert the enemy until you're looming over them in their own bed!

Naruni Plasma Block, MK I

Weight: 1 lb, 3 ounces
(1 lb of plasma, 3 ounces of timer/charge)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD to a 1 ft area, 1d6x10 MD to a 3 ft area, 2d6 MD to a 9 ft area. Can be directed using the appropriate skill.
Cost: 6k credits

By Charcoal