S-1 Phantom Sky Assault Bike

Archie and Hagan recently found themselves pondering new ways to annoy the Coalition. Having already done some 'improved counterfeits' of Coalition equipment (as per someone else's recent message), it occurred to them that they could hit their enemy in two ways with one project.

The Federation of Magic's invasion and establishment in Old Chicago taught the Coalition some painful lessons about city fighting. These lessons led to the development of the Enforcer and the Sky Cycle. Now Archie and Hagan have taken a careful examination of the Sky Cycle and it's Northern Gun equivalent. Their goal: Build a faster, more maneuverable vehicle, with a massive punch in short fights (Aided largely by placing a number of missile pods on their creation). Being intended for city fighting it would concentrate on short range weaponry, however they gave it a turreted laser with just over a miles range in case it were to be caught out in the open (the missile pods can also be loaded with short range missiles, at a drastic reduction in payload, giving a potential range of five miles). The Phantom would also include 'Stealth' capacity. In stealth mode, speed and maneuverability are sacrificed to make the vehicle very quiet (effectively silent with the ambient noise of combat), and reduce the temperature of the engines exhausts (removing the primary means of detection to infrared and thermo-imaging systems).

When it came time to name their new creation, another means of confusing the Coalition occurred to them. Rather than release the new vehicle as part of the Cyberworks Network's Titan line, they have invented a new fictitious company: Enigma Industries.

Enigma's products will be rare, expensive, and in every case designed to fill a role the Coalition has a vehicle for, and fill that role better.

Model Type: EI-S-1
Class: Air Urban Assault Vehicle
Crew: One
M.D.C. by location:

Chin Turret -- 55
Wing Missile Pods (2) -- 50 each
Rear Jets (3) -- 45 each
Undercarriage Turret -- 40
Ejectors (2) -- 15 each
* Main Body -- 140
* - Reducing Main Body to 0 or less MDC will destroy the vehicle


Ground: 40 mph (Mainly intended for landing, and parking)
Flying: Hover at up to 2200 feet. Maximum speed of 620 mph (note: Pilots are recommended to wear armor (seat design will allow light power armor with minimal modification) despite being fully enclosed. Seat automatically ejects if computer detects imminent destruction), cruising speed 80 to 150 mph.
Maximum altitude: 8000 feet.
Flying (Stealth Mode): Hovers at up to 800 feet. Maximum speed it 160 mph, with a cruising speed of 20 to 80 (usual 45) mph.
Range: Nuclear power system lasts eight years, however the engines cannot exceed cruising speed for more than 24 hours (ten hours in Stealth Mode) without risking overheating. Enigma Industries recommends a four hour cooling period.

Statistical Data:

Height: 8 feet
Width: 4 feet (8 feet including wings)
Length: 8 feet 6 inches
Cargo: Limited. 3.5 foot space behind pilot.
Black Market: Only twelve are known to have been sold. Average price: 1.5 to 2.5 million credits.

Weapon Systems:

1. Chin Turret: Holds a short barreled ion cannon and a laser for ranged attacks.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: Snub Ion-Cannon: 2d4 x 10; Laser: 2d6
Range: Snub Ion-Cannon: 800 feet; Laser: 6500 feet
Rate of fire: Equal to pilots combined hand to hand attacks
Note: Laser and Ion cannon fire independently.

2. Wing Missile Pods (2): Adjustable pods on each wing hold mini-missiles or short range missiles. Usual load is frag or armor piercing.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Armor
Mega-Damage: Varies with type
Range: Varies with type (mini .5 to 1 miles, short .5 to 5 miles)
Rate of Fire: 1, or salvos of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6.
Payload: Twelve mini-missiles each, or three short range missiles each.

3. Undercarriage Turret: Placed under the bike, between the landing gear, this turret has a 360 degree arc. Twin ion guns provide an anti infantry strike.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 3d4 (6d4 fired together)
Range: 500 feet
Rate of fire: Equal to combined hand to hand attacks
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

4. Ejectors (2): Two ejectors, mounted on each side of the bike hold grenades, or grenade sized bombs and mines (treat as grenades). Can be set to go off on impact, after a set time, or when disturbed as mines.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Armor
Mega-Damage: Varies with type
Rate of fire: 1, 2, or 3
Range: Drop to ground. However, they may be directed up to 50 feet to the side (straight right or left)

5. Wingtip missiles: The Phantom's wingtips can hold two mini-missiles or one short range missile each. Usual load is mini-missiles in the pods, and one short range missile on each wingtip.

Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: varies with type
Rate of fire: 1 or 2
Range: varies with type.

6. Hand to Hand Combat: None

7. Sensor Systems: All standard robot sensors and communications
Bonuses: +4 to dodge at cruising speeds, +5 when over 150 mph. (reduce to +3 to dodge in stealth mode, with no increase over cruising speed)

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Phantom is BANNED in all Coalition cities, settlements and bases, and anywhere else in Coalition territory. Penalties starts at confiscation of the bike, pilots armor, weapons, and five years imprisonment and labor (and likely torture) if the pilot surrenders peacefully. Up to death if ANY resistance is given.

Rumor holds that this policy is due to undisguised anti-Coalition propaganda contained in the bikes onboard manuals. Further rumors hold that the factory set pass-phrase involves a politically unacceptably suggested action for the Prosek's to take.

[Insert various disclaimers (M.D.C., etc are trademarks of Palladium/Kevin Siembieda, this is not an official design, nothing in this message is intended to suggest such or to challenge said trademarks), assume any misspellings to be due to the late hour, etc. Later write up for www may include changes based on comments from the list, and will include the full requested disclaimer]

By Steven R Martindale