+2 save vs. all drugs and poisons
Physical Alteration: The symbiote can actually physically alter
the structure of the character. This can be anything from changing facial
features to growing webbed toes. Below is only a partial list of possibilities.
Use your imagination, but everything must be OK'd by the GM. Note that
this is an incredibly useful ability for spies or the like.
- Change facial features: eyes, nose, ears, hair, eyebrows, mouth,
etc. This can be used to make the character look like a different
ethnicity also.
- Grow Gills, webbed feet and hands
- Claws: +1D6 damage to HtH
- Shoulder / knee / elbow / etc. spikes: +1D6 damage to HtH when applicable
- Horns: +1D6 to head butts
- Fangs: +1D4 to Bite
- Change the skin to be scaly / leathery / rough / smooth / etc.
- Increase overall height by 1D8 inches (Cannot decrease height)
Limitations: The actual change takes 1D4+1 minutes to accomplish.
Also, for larger changes, extra food must be eaten before-hand to supply
the needed building material to the symbiote. The changes only last
for a limited time: 2 hours per level of character OR 1 hour for every
month that the character and fragment have been bonded. (This is GM's
choice. I like the second method better.) Regardless, the maximum time
is 24 hours. You cannot change form again for the same period of time
that you were last changed; i.e. if you had claws for 4 hours, you could
not gain anything else for 4 hours after the claw effect ended.
Cybernetic Emulation: The symbiote can create techno-organic
equivalents to several cybernetic systems. These include:
- Headjack / Fingerjack: This is almost identical to the cybernetic
system. However, when not needed, it can disappear. It's not just
hidden, it's not there anymore!
- Amplified Hearing: The symbiote changes the structure of the ear.
- High / Low Frequency Hearing: Same as above.
Temporary Attribute Changes: By modifying parts of the body's
basic structure, the symbiote can change several physical attributes:
- PS: By changing the muscle fiber density and composition, it can
raise or lower your PS by 2D4
- PE: By increasing the density of the character's skin the symbiote
can decrease any damage taken to 1/4 normal.
By increasing the efficiency of the oxygen / hormone / etc. delivery
system the symbiote can increase the length of any physical activity
to twice normal.
- PB: By altering the physical features of the body, the symbiote
can increase or decrease PB by 1D6+1
Limitations: The actual change takes 1D4+1 minutes to accomplish.
The changes only last for a limited time: 2 hours per level of character
OR 1 hour for every month that the character and fragment have been
bonded. (This is GM's choice. I like the second method better.) Regardless,
the maximum time is 24 hours. You cannot alter an attribute again for
the same period of time that you were last changed; i.e. if you had
increased PS for 4 hours, you could not gain anything else for 4 hours
after the increased PS effect ended.
Permanent Intelligence Change: The symbiote can also increase
the host's basic intelligence by increasing the interconnectivity of
the brain and adding brain mass to it. However, this has caused side
effects in ALL subjects who have undergone this modification. All subjects
experience a change in their personality; they become more distant,
cold, and much less emotional. It is harder for friends and relatives
to relate to them. Regardless of the risks, a few subjects have elected
to undergo this change. Increase intelligence by 1D6+3. Note that this
is also a permanent change. There is no way to reverse the process.
Any attempt to reverse the process will result in the subject losing
all grip on reality. They will go completely insane and will be unable
to function in any part of society.
Drawbacks and Restrictions: There are, however, drawbacks to
entering into a symbiotic relationship with a Naga fragment. First off
is the simple fact that there is an alien being in your body. Many people
will react negatively when they learn that you have a symbiote.
Also, it is a symbiotic relationship. That means that you give
something to the fragment. In this case it is not only nourishment in
the form of part of your food, but the Naga for some reason absorbs
part of a person's PPE.. The reason for this is not known since the
Naga seem to have no need for this. Regardless of the reason, though,
it happens. Reduce the rate that you regain lost PPE and the current
PPE pool by half. This is due to the fact that the fragment is "absorbing"
some of the energy.
Perhaps the greatest drawback has only recently been discovered. Gabriel
City scientists have now realized that the symbiotic relationship for
some reason speeds up the aging process slightly. Test subjects appear
to age approximately 15% faster than normal.
By Chris Curtis (curtis@thepentagon.com).