Murphy's Wand
This "toy" is actually a wand, and basically is the equivalent
of what you would get if you stuck Murphy's demon in a wand. The wand itself
appears to be an old, rotting stick. That's it. No runes. No aura of magic
(will not appear to be magical even to the strongest wizards). The power
of this wand is both infinite and limited. It is an annoyance, a help,
and a devastating thing of unimaginable worthlessness. It is the personification
of Murphy's law. To the wielder of this weapon, the worst things can happen
with it. No, it is not cursed, but it might as well be...
Have fun with this! As the GM, you have the power to make this do whatever
you damn well please. It can do literally anything anytime (within limit's
of reasonability). Some cool ides would be to summon a harmless but extremely
annoying Muppet or Fraggle or something, which would be hopelessly good-aligned
and therefore the bane of most campaigners...
To get the best effect with this wand, use the following chart whenever
the wand is pointed at something (intentional or not...they do not have
to "use" it to turn it on. It also has a 10% chance of randomly
casting a spell on any item, character or living thing at the worst or
oddest moments. A savings throw may be made, but at a -3.
- (01-03)Disintegration - will disintegrate 1d10 items on target (or
if singular inanimate object, will disintegrate it alone), with the exception
of magical items with a protection from magic or chaos magic.
- (04-08)Nothing happens.
- (09-13)Explosion at random location (GM's discretion) does 1d6 SDC
damage to all items in a 1d8 foot radius.
- (14-17)Rot -- will cause any and all plant fibers or clothing to rot
and fall off (ie - leather, cloth, nearby plants, etc.) victim. Will affect
1d4-1 (0 is possible!) other nearby targets.
- (18-21)Age (will add 1d10 years to victim's physical age).
- (22-25)Age (will subtract 1d10 years from victim's physical age).
- (26-29)Nothing happens.
- (30-33)Cleans all remnants of dirt or filth from victim.
- (34-37)Heals 1d20 SDC or HP
- (38-41)Death (instantaneous. If dodge is unsuccessful, victim immediately
is dead. CAN be resurrected).
- (42-44)Teleports victim and all living creatures within a 12 foot radius
(might include user) to random location 10 miles away.
- (45-47)Nothing happens.
- (48-50)Victim becomes a temporary berserker.
- (51-53)Victim acts as if s/he has failed a Horror Factor roll vs. user.
- (54-56)Transdimensional Dislocation - victim is sent to limbo-like
dimension (alone, cannot move) for 1d4 hours. Will then return to real
world at precise location s/he left.
- (57-59)Plague - does 1d6 SDC damage per hour (on the road) or per 6
rounds (in combat, due to higher blood circulation). Can only be healed
by Paladin or Good-aligned magic-user.
- (60-62)Victim becomes invisible for 1d6 rounds. Gains all bonuses for
- (63-65)Victim temporarily gains the HU superpower "Intangibility"
but cannot turn it off for 1d6 rounds, and then loses it.
- (66-68)Victim gains Telekinesis for 1d20 rounds.
- (69-71)Nothing happens.
- (72-74)Victim temporarily (1d10 days) gains a random HU minor superpower
(roll on random chart). Can use fully.
- (75-77)Victim loses a power of some sort (whether magical or superpower
or whatever) for 1d10 days.
- (78-80)Mutates victim (physically, but this is a positive mutation.
Gamma World RPG has some good ideas for this...)
- (81-83)Mutates Victim (physically, but this is a negative mutation)
- (84-86)Temporarily de-evolves victim. All victim's stats go down by
half, with the max for any stat being 10. Lose all skills. Will remain
this way until Remove Curse is cast or 2d20 days have passed.
- (87-89)Nothing happens.
- (90-92)Victim gains Wingless Flight for 1d6 days.
- (94-96)Victim is fully healed (this is a blast in a low-pressure battle
to spring on unwary players...)
- (97)Victim bursts into flame, taking 1d10 SDC damage per round until
flames are doused. Will not go out on its own.
- (98)Victim or object changes to an obnoxious, garish, or annoying color,
other than their present one. Choose the color that would most likely irk
the player.
- (99)Nothing happens
- (100)GM gets to chose to have it do WHATEVER HE WANTS! (muhahahahahaha!)
By Joshua Smith