Nightbane World Book One: Between the Shadows.
The page numbers are in parentheses.
Nightbane World Book Two: Nightlands.
The page numbers are in parentheses:
Rifter #1: The page numbers are in
Morphus Tables on the Web
The following tables are found at
- Toy Form - A psychopathic addition to the Nightbane world.
- Circus Form - Even more freakiness.
- Circus Form II - As promised...might need some work...
- Bear Form
- Elephant Form
- An Additional Stigmata (Credit: Spiral) - Loads of twistedness...
- New Biomechanical III (Credit: Brett Hogr)
- Car Form (Credit: Brett Hogr) - Very cool...
- Miscellaneous Forms (Credit: D B Chow) - Miscellaneous additions to the existing forms tables...
- Mythical Form: Unearthly Beauty II (Credit: David Gallaher) - Miscellaneous forms based on mythology...
- Cultural Beauty Forms: Unearthly Beauty III (Credit: David Gallaher) - Some good beauty forms based on different cultures.
- God Form: Alien Shape III (Credit: Mathew Ignash) - Some forms based on Gods.
- Dragon Form (Credit: Will Moore IV) - Plenty o' Dragon forms
- Gruesome Stigmata (Credit: Mathew Ignash) - Some repeats, but some bizarre forms to use...
- Unearthly Beauty (Credit: Mathew Ignash) - Some, ah, interesting forms...
- Halloween Form (Credit: Mathew Ignash) - Some holiday cheer...
- Diseased Form (Credit: David Gallaher) - Not for the squeamish...
- Enlarged Body Features (Credit: Aaron Oliver) - Bigger Body Parts (PG rated)
- Griffin Form (Credit: Aaron Oliver) - In the style of the animal tables..
- Saurian Form (Credit: Aaron Oliver) - Dinosaurs!
- Plant Form (Credit: js327@freenet) - 'Bane that are high in Vitamin B...
- Humorous Form I (Credit: Frog The Hutt) - A few truly useless 'Bane forms...
- Cartoon/Animated Form (Credit: The DreamFox) - Cool idea.
- Stigmata 4 Form (Credit: The Dreamfox) - True nastiness
- Cetacean Form (Credit: The DreamFox) - Some good Marine forms
- More Miscellaneous Forms (Credit: The Dreamfox) - Some more forms to create characters with
- Bizarre Animal Forms (Credit: Mathew Ignash) - More animal mayhem
- Kangaroo Form (Credit: Mathew Ignash) - Bane from Down Under.
- Hominid Form (Credit: Mathew Ignash) - Morphi from our distant past
- Shark Form (Credit: Mathew Ignash) - The Finned 'Bane
- Turtle Form (Credit: Mathew Ignash) - Hmmm.... turtles....
- Another Stigmata table (Credit: js327@freenet.edmonton) - Got something sticking in my eye
- Musical Morphus Forms (Credit: Prismo) - Very cool
- Ancient Biomechanical Forms (Credit: Mathew Ignash) - Medieval mechanical mayhem
- Clothing Forms (Credit: Dreamfox) - Wear clothes long enough, and they become part of you.
- Everglades (Credit: Dreamfox)
- Octopoid (Credit: Ashlar)
- Aura Morphus Forms (Credit: Ashlar)
The following forms are found at The Garden of Gabriel Apostate:
- Unearthly Beauty V
- Were-Forms
Updated 05/01/98.
Original List compiled by Mystic.