Monster Under the Bed

Here is an idea for you to try, slightly amusing, but it shows monsters are everywhere. If you like it, and want to use it/polish it up, please let me know...

Adventure Idea

A friend of the characters' child is being troubled by a monster, and is really scared, and refuses to go to sleep. The parents finally turn to the characters who are interested in the supernatural, to come and investigate, and try to settle the child.

The Monster Under the Bed

The monster under the bed, could come from 2 or more possible sources, and is up to the GM to decide.

Option 1.: The monster comes from another dimension, and is attracted to the P.P.E. of children.

Option 2.: The monster is actually created by a child with latent psi abilities, who has suffered some form of trauma, or has emotional problems.


I.Q.: 5 M.E.:13 M.A.:25 P.S.:20 P.P.:18 P.E.:12 P.B.:4 Spd.:16
1D6 3D6 2D6+18 4D6 3D6 3D6 1D6 3D6
P.S. and P.E. are considered supernatural

Hit Points: 23 (Standard P.E.+1D6 per level)
S.D.C.: 40
M.D.C. in Rifts: Hit Points x 3
H.F.: 14

Natural Powers and Abilities:

  • Invisible to all Adults (people who have gone through Puberty)
  • Shadow Meld
  • The Monster under the Bend is a P.P.E. vampire, when it grabs a target (successful strike) it can chose instead of doing damage to drain the equivalent in P.P.E.
  • Any adult who manages to see the Monster Under the Bed, must save vs psionics, or receive a psi induced hallucination, where they are a child with no special powers, in their own childhood room, in their PJ's/Nightie etc, and the monster under the bed slowly crawls onto the bed, growing larger and larger. Save vs H.F. 17, if they save vs H.F. they will recover, and only be on edge. Those who fail, will be afraid of the Dark, for the next 1D6 months, (GM's, this can become permanent if you wish)
  • Limitations:

  • Cannot stand Daylight, daylight inflicts 2D6 damage per melee to the monster under the bed.
  • Afraid of the light.
  • Combat:

    5 attacks per melee
    Damage: +5
    Strike: +4
    Parry: +4
    Dodge: +2
    Roll: +2

    Punch: 1D6 S.D.C.

    Appearance: Appears to be a hairy 5 armed monster about a one and a half feet wide.

    By Arch Mage Hadrian.