Do you have a page related to a Palladium RPG? Do you want to get
more visits to your site? Then take a look at the Palladium Web
Ring. This Ring is dedicated to linking together sites dealing
with any and all Palladium RPGs. It's a great way to browse around
some quality sites quickly.
Palladium Related Pages:
- After Sunset: - By Stephen Esdale.
A great page devoted to Nightbane(TM). Home to several very well done netbooks including: Leech Legions, Digital Domains, and the Illuminati. Also includes many other works from RCCs to items and culture information.
- Arch Mage Pages: - By Arch Mage Hadrian.
Rifts Antarctica, the New Roman Republic, Primorder, the Skylands, a public upload utility, and much more.
- Future Technology Levels: Rifts: - By Arvind Knudsen.
Incredible rendered artwork, fan fiction, and other goodies...including the HEAVY GEAR Catalog; a must see. Arvind is one of only three other people I know of who really seems to put scientific thought into their creations.
- The Garden: - By Gabriel.
This is page is home to the recently revived "Omega Files": a section dedicated to all of Palladium's® games. It also still has an excellent section devoted his literary works (including For Love of Evile) as well as poetry and more.
- Gargoyle's Roost: - By Gargoyle.
Home of "Persistence of Time", a truly excellent fan-fiction series as well as other stories. It is also home to the incredible NightWar alternate NightBane(TM) setting, information on Grendel, the Gargoyle tribes and much more.
- Great OCC/RCC Netbook: - By Mad Dog.
This is the HTML-ized and updated version of the ever-popular OCC/RCC Netbook. There are currently well over 280 classes represented here that are not only formatted, but also power rated.
- The Great Resurrection: - By Mathew Bartlett.
This is one of the only sites dedicated to Beyond the Supernatural(TM), Palladium's original modern-day horror game. It is also a gathering place for those interested in saving the game.
- Kitsune's Palladium Web Page: - By Kitsune.
A relatively new and constantly expanding site. Contains many conversions from other genres as well as plenty of other creations for everything from N&SS(TM) to PFRPG(TM) to Rifts® to Phase World(TM).
- Logix' Rifts Page: - By Jason Aults.
A very well done site that's home to the Atlantis II Netbook and many other things.
- Nightbane(TM): - By Christopher Smith.
Probably one of the largest Nightbane(TM) related pages out there, it contains new character classes, talents, morphus tables, rules, psionics & magic, NPCs and much more. This is an very good site.
- Shawn Merrow's Palladium Page: - Shawn Merrow.
Home of the Gamer's Log: a player and GM directory designed to help you find other gamers near you. Also includes the New Tech Netbook and a plethora of hosted material.
- Stan Bundy's Web Page: - By Stan Bundy.
Contains all types of gaming files for Robotech® and other Palladium® games. Also includes the incredible Riftech, a fusion of the Robotech® and Rifts settings. The Freeman Chronicles is the novelization of one of his early campaigns.
- The Unofficial Palladium RPG Page : - By Brett Hegr.
Project Delta-8, The Gifted, and other excellent material can all be found on this page. Much of the page is also dedicated to Nightbane(TM), Heroes Unlimited(TM) and other Palladium® games.
If you notice that any of these pages have changed location or gone down, please let me know. Also, if you're one of these webmasters, please tell me if your page is going to be down or change location. That way I can always try to have an accurate page. You can send mail to Chris Curtis any time at (
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