Grease Monkey OCC

Remember their are no racial restrictions for any Asylum OCC.

The Grease Monkey is in many ways the Asylum's first line of defense. The Grease Monkey's are responsible for the Asylum's reputation for both insanity and skill. The Gease Monkey is truly insane, these dedicated specialists have only one desire.. to make things better. Specifically to fix and improve technology. Typically these characters would rather deal with machines and their problems then with other sentient beings. Consequently the Grease Monkey will usually talk (yes, I mean talk as in having conversations) with whatever piece of equipment they are working on. The Grease Monkey's obsession with technology means that they usually have trouble dealing with people and often becomes alienated by other people. The Grease Monkey is rarely if ever bothered by this.

The Gease Monkey's serve as the mechanics of the Asylum and do most of the construction, repair, and modification work required by the Asylum and it's clients. Grease Monkey's are obsessive about keeping equipment in top working order and will go to virtually any lengths to get a given piece of equipment to function as it should. A frustrating example of this is the downed suit of power armor. If the Grease Monkey hears a distress signal he will immediatly set off in search of the signal. Upon finding the signal the Grease Monkey will immediatly set to work repairing or 'stabilizing' any damaged equipment in the area and ingnoring any surviors except to tell them not to worry that he will have the equipment fixed like new. It is important to realize that the Grease Monkey will totaly ignore these survivors unless they attempt to interfere with his work at which point he will become very upset and ask the person how they would feel if someone was fixing them and was interupted! The Grease Monkey will also try to avoid confrontations except when working. Many times people have regretted interrupting a Grease Monkey for 'lesser' concerns. Amazingly Grease Monkey's work very well in teams when working.

Powers of the Monkeys

1) 70% of all Gease Monkey's have psionics, roll 3d6 to determine ISP base. The psionic Grease Monkey gets the power of 'object read' ONLY. (unless the characters race has additional psionics) This power is limited to finding out what is wrong with the device and how it broke. i.e. violence, abuse, sabatoge, etc.

2) The Grease Monkey is without a doubt insane and must roll twice on the insanity table every level. At first level the character is obsessed with technology (loves it), and making it work. This means that the character will rebuild it from scratch if he can't fix it! In fact, this obsession is so intense that it often leads to others!
If the Grease Monkey fails a skill roll while working on a project he get to try one more time. If both rolls are failed their is a 75% chance that the Grease Monkey will becom obsessed with the problem. These problems can be as specific as the mini-missile launcher on a SAMAS or as general as Power Armor control interface depending on what the problem was that triggered the obsession.

For example, a Grease Monkey is working on a SAMAS mini-missile launcher and fails his skill roll twice. He rolls under 75% and becomes obsessed with SAMAS mini-missile launchers! There is a 50/50 chance that he will love/hate working on them. If he loves to work on them the character will repair the mini-missile launcher on EVERY SAMAS unit that he works on whether the launcher needed it or not! The character also gets a +10% when working on systems they like. If the Grease Monkey had hated to work on mini -missile launcher, he would still work on them but, it would be at a -10% and it would be the last thing he would fix on that suit.

OCC Skills

Radio:Basic (+15%)
Pilot:any three (+15%)
Math:Basic (+10%)
Literacy:Techno-can (+15%)
Literacy:American/Trade 4 (+15%)
Language:Techno-can (+15%)
Language:American/Trade 4 (+15%)
Electical Engineer (+20%)
Computer Repair (+20%)
Mechanical Engineer (+20%)
Weapons Engineer (+15%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+20%)
W.P. Blunt
HTH Basic

HTH basic can be changed to advanced at the cost of four other skills

OCC Related Skills: Select 12 other skills, atleast 4 must come from Mechanical. Plus select an additional skill at level, four, seven, and eleven.

Communications: any (+15%)
Domestic: sing only (-15%) yes, that is a minus sign
Electrical: any (+15%)
Espionage: NONE
Mechanical: any (+15%)
Medical: NONE
Military: demolitions, demolitions disposal, and armorer only (+10%)
Physical: NONE!
Pilot: any (+15%)
Pilot Related: any (+10%)
Rogue: NONE
Science: chemistry, chemistry: analytical only
Technical: Computer operation, computer programming, literacy only (+10%)
W.P.: any modern WP's
Wilderness; NONE

Secondary skills: The character gets five additional skills from the above list without the benefits of the bonuses listed in parenthesis.

Standard equipment: Portable tool kit, duct tape (80% of all Grease Monkey's will be obsessed with duct tape...'Don't worry, I've got duct tape'), and other basic tools. The Asylum will provide all other tools, and equipment in the workshop. The Character will have a light suit of body armor, two energy weapons of choice and 1d4 e-clips for each. The character will be assigned vehicles and other equipment as per assinment. The character will be allowed to use a vehicle, PA, etc. personal use based on availablity.

Money: The Grease Monkey gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and other necessities provided by the Asylum. The character also gets a monthly salary of 1500 credits and starts with two months pay. Money is usually spent on things like duct tape, and unidentifiable objects with the hope that 'I'll be glad I have it someday'. Also the Grease Monkey must go to workshop once a month where they learn useful skills like crochet, finger painting, etc.

Note: Rogue Grease Monkey's will be hunted down and brought back to the Asylum; they will only be terminated if there is no other alternative. If the Grease Monkey would like to retire he/she will be pulled from active duty and sent back to the 'homeworlds.' Cybernetics: The Grease monkey starts with 1d8 implants and can continue to aquire them throughout his career. Note unlike normal pyschics these implants do not impair the Grease Monkey's psionic powers. This is because the cybernetics actually make the character feel more 'in tune' with technology.

By The Laughing Lunatic