Fan Fiction Showcase

Writing is one of the greatest forms of expression. Fiction that is based upon a role-playing universe has always been a great addition to the setting. Since I am such a great supporter of fan fiction, this is one of the few pages on my site that will prominently feature work by people other than myself.

Black Arrow by Lee Casebolt.

Flow Master
by Jacob H. Bechtel V.

For Love of Evile
by Bill Muench.

The Heart of Crystal
by Steven Trustrum.

In the Nick of Time
by Chris Curtis (

Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire by Omar Salleh

Persistence of Time
by Jim Cannon.

Seen Through an Ebony Mirror
by Bill Muench.

The Siege Against Tolkeen by David Haendler.

A Walk With My Enemies
by Kevin W. Lee.

If you have any fan fiction stories that you have done for a Palladium® setting, or if you would like to do some that you think would fit well, please let me know. If it is well done and has not found a home on the internet, I'd be happy to put it up. Send any and all submissions to (

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