Writing is one of the greatest forms of expression. Fiction that is based upon a role-playing universe has always been a great addition to the setting. Since I am such a great supporter of fan fiction, this is one of the few pages on my site that will prominently feature work by people other than myself.
Black Arrow by Lee Casebolt.
This is a story set in an alternate Heroes Unlimited(TM) universe. It is starting very well. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to really feel inclined to continue it. If you enjoy it, you might drop him a line and encourage him.
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
Flow Master by Jacob H. Bechtel V.
This story was written by Jacob H. Bechtel V during the year 1989 approximately 8 months before he played any Palladium® games. It is a very interesting story about the experiences and adventures of Michael Starlington.
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
For Love of Evile by Bill Muench.
A very interesting alternate Nightbane(TM) setting. The descriptions and characters of this story are quite good. This is definitely one of the stories you should follow. (Linked with permission to Bill Muench's site.)
The Heart of Crystal by Steven Trustrum.
A complex story weaving many separate elements together. This is a very well-done piece of fiction that has everything from Atlantis, to the NGR to space battles. You might also note that this was, to my knowledge, the first Rifts®-based fan-fic out. (Linked with permission to Steven Trustrum's site.)
- Prologue
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6 05/01/98
- Chapter 7 05/01/98
Chapter 8 09/07/98
Chapter 9 11/19/98
Chapter 10 02/06/99
Chapter 11 02/06/99
In the Nick of Time by Chris Curtis (curtis@thepentagon.com).
This story really isn't Rifts®, or even Palladium®, related. However, since this is my page, I can put it up if I want to. <grin> This is a story about modern-day soldiers caught in a bad situation. It could easily take place in a Heroes Unlimited(TM) or Ninjas & Superspies(TM) type setting.
This is basically my first real attempt at fiction that I've actually put out. Let me know what you think, I'd really appreciate it!
Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire by Omar Salleh
Persistence of Time by Jim Cannon.
This has got to be among the best fan fiction I have ever read. It is set in an incredible alternate Nightbane(TM) universe. I know this is a very long series, but it is worth every minute spent reading it.
This epic story has now reached a conclusion. I really encourage you to take the time to read through this. Also note that the story is now presented as a single large text file (and is linked with permission to Jim Cannon's site).
Seen Through an Ebony Mirror by Bill Muench.
This is a story about the first becoming of a young Nightbane(TM). (Linked with permission to Bill Muench's site.)
The Siege Against Tolkeen by David Haendler.
This is another great series that chronicles the, well, siege against Tolkeen by the CS. It's got some interesting characters and an intriguing story-line. This is a really great series that I highly recommend. Note that with the release of chapter 47, the story has now concluded
Also note that Siege Against Tolkeen is now being printed in the Rifter(TM). Section 7 is proud to be the on-line host for this story.
A Walk With My Enemies by Kevin W. Lee.
If you have any fan fiction stories that you have done for a Palladium® setting, or if you would like to do some that you think would fit well, please let me know. If it is well done and has not found a home on the internet, I'd be happy to put it up. Send any and all submissions to (curtis@thepentagon.com).
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