+4 to initiative
+6 to pull/roll
+4 to strike (applies to HTH and Ranged weapons)
+6 to parry
+6 to dodge
+5 to save vs. magic and psionics
+10% to save vs. coma/death/poison
+1 additional attack per melee
Attribute requirements: IQ 12, ME 16 (if lower adjust up)
OCC Skills
Math:Basic (+10%)
Radio:Basic (+15%)
Language: American/Trade 4 (+20%)
Literacy: American/Trade 4 (+15%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
Prowl (+10%)
Gymnastics (+10%)
Pilot: select two (+15%)
Read sensory equipment (+10%)
W.P. select any five
*Dance or sing (+20%)
HTH Martial Arts
*note: during combat the Enforcer will use either dance or sing to make any and all of his oppents look ridiculus.
Can you see the debriefing?
Officer: "You LOST! to a naked, singing man wielding a Spatula?"
RPA Trooper: "Um, yes."
OCC Related skills: Select five other skills from the following list plus two additional skills at levels three, six, nine, and tweleve. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: any (+10%)
Domestic: any (+5%)
Electrical: Basic Electronics only
Espionage: sniper or tracking only
Mechanical: basic mechanics only
Military: any (+15%)
Medical: first aid only
Physical: any
Pilot: any (+10%)
Pilot Related: any (+5%)
Rogue: none
Science: none
Technical: any
W.P.: any
Wilderness: any
Secondary skills: The character also gets to select five secondary skills from the above list. These additional skills do not get the bonuses listed in parenthesis.
Standard equipment: The Enforcer gets a suit of medium Mega-damage armor, or a medium force field. A set of dress clothing, and a set of camouflage BDU's. Four weapons of choice with 1d6 e-clips each, a vibro-spatula, and 1d6 handgrenades. Vehicles and additional equipment are assigned to the Enforcer on a per-mission basis. The Enforcer can also 'borrow' vehicles for personal use based on availability.
note: while the Enforcer is stong enough to wear borg armor he is too small to wear it and is limited to conventional armor and force fields.
note: While armor is available to the enforcer character many opt for the force field and have it built into their bodies. (The Asylum is capable of doing this) In fact an Enforcer with this option is responible for the well documented report of an Enforcer taking on and defeating three SAMAS units completely naked and wielding a Spatula!
Money: So long as the Enforcer is working for the Asylum he gets a roof over his head, food, clothing and other necessities as part of his pay. The Enforcer recieves a monthly salary of 3000 credits and starts with 2d4 months salary.
Also note that Any Enforcers that go rogue are hunted down and destroyed. There are NO exceptions. However, the Enforcer is allowed to moonlite as a merc so long as he files regular reports (weekly), and includes an itineray. If Enforcer would like to retire he is then removed back to the 'homeworlds' and can live it up or join the civilian Law-Enforcement. Cybernetics: The Enforcer may start with an additional 1d4 implants, note that if the Enforcer is ever converted to a full borg then battle rage ability is lost forever.