Elven Magic

Range: Self and special
Duration: Roughly 70 years
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: One Hundred

This spell is part of the reason the elves were able to defeat the human armies so quickly. In essence, this spell replaces the "soul" of an as-yet-unborn human baby with that of the sorcerer. The spellcaster retains his mind, thoughts, skills, and spellcasting ability, and essentially has a human lifetime to learn additional human skills. The body remains human in all respects, and when the body dies, the elven spirit returns to its original body. Psychics and others able to read auras will see a strange double aura when looking at the Changeling; one represents the elven sorcerer, the other the human body s/he inhabits.

Faerie Forge
Range: 10 ft
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 130

This spell is necessary for the creation of virtually all unique elven magic items, particularly weapons and armor. Once cast upon a forge, all items produced there have (at the least) the potential to be items of power. Weapons and armor will be of the lowest quality unless additionally enchanted; likewise, amulets and other items will require additional enchantment to gain powers.

Elven Magic Objects

On first glance, these may seem fairly powerful, perhaps too powerful. Keep in mind, this is what the elven culture developed in place of the machine gun, the tank, the ICBM, etc, etc. Powerful? Yes. I feel they're very well balanced, though, when considered in terms of their development.

Elven Blades

While as a rule, elves disdain direct physical combat, they recognize a certain elegance to be found in certain weapons - among them, the sword. As such, the sword has become one of the primary weapons of the Fey; a weapon for which they have developed many improvements and variations.

Common Traits:

  1. Weightless - All elven blades are virtually weightless, yet retain their apparent mass. This results in a +2 to parry and +1 to strike, due to ease of movement.
  2. Eternal Sharpness - The blades never dull or rust, and are of such sharpness that they reduce a defender's AR by 2.
  3. Base Damage - 4d6, unless otherwise noted

Specialized Blades:

  1. Flame Blade - In addition to the common traits, a flaming blade can be sheathed in a magical flame. This flame adds 3d6 damage to the blade's base, as well as igniting flammable materials it comes into contact with, and providing a considerable amount of illumination. Igniting the blade costs the wielder 5 P.P.E.

  2. Penetrator - With a very few exceptions (pure iron, God-level magic), this blade ignores ALL armor ratings, mundane and magical, dealing damage on any successful strike.

  3. Absorber - Of somewhat less use in the war against humans than it was in previous intra-elven conflicts, an absorbing blade absorbs an amount of P.P.E. from the victim equal to the amount of SDC/hit point damage done, and makes this P.P.E. reserve available to the blade's wielder

  4. Slayer - Created via an unknown (to humans) process involving a Life Drain spell, this blade acts as a normal (elven) weapon against structures and noon-living targets. However, when it does damage to a living target, the damage roll (plus bonuses) is halved, and this result is subtracted directly from hit points, bypassing SDC altogether.

Elven Armor

Elves, it should be noted, have a distinct aversion to personal injury, wounds, and pain (theirs) in general. With such in mind, they have been most interested in developing methods of avoiding such unpleasantness. Elven armor is of a uniform chain mail styling, uniquely high quality, and comes in three varieties -

  1. Elven Warrior's Armor - The most common variety of elven armor, worn by front-line soldiers in the field. It has an AR of 16* and 250 SDC. Like all elven armor, it does not interfere with movement in any way, and is virtually silent (no prowl or other penalties).

  2. Elven Ranger's Armor - Less common than the Warrior's armor, this might be considered the "commando" suit of elven armor. It is less protective than the Warrior's suit (AR 14* and 200 SDC), but has the added benefit of containing three Shadow Meld spells which the wearer may activate at will; the spells regenerate daily.

  3. Elven Officer's Armor - Reserved for the elven commanders and elite troops, the Officer's suit is more protective than the Warrior's suit (AR 18* and 300 SDC), and has one of the following features installed (which may be engaged by the wearer at a cost of 10 P.P.E.) -

By Lee Casebolt (mulrc7@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu).