Needless to say, things only got worse from there. The PC's were traveling in the city of Munich (it was an NGR campaign). They were, true to the nature of characters in one of our games, low on money, so they were in the seedy part of town. Then, this happened.
Matt: I look around on the street. Do I see any hookers?
GM: Hookers?
Matt: Yes. Do I see any hookers?
GM: Geez, I don't know...I guess so...probably. Yeah, you see a hooker on the corner.
Matt: Is she a redhead?
GM: Why do you ask that?
Matt: I like redheads.
GM: No, she's not.
Matt: Damn. Okay, anyway, I walk up to her and ask, "What's your price, baby?"
GM: She replies, "Too much for you, big boy."
Matt: I pull out all the credits I've got and hold them in her face (which happens to be all of the party's money) and I say, "This enough for you?"
GM: The hooker nods and takes your hand, leading you into a nearby hotel. Your friends watch you leave, wondering how the hell you could waste all of their money on a hooker.
Matt: Good. Now, when we get up to the room, I cast 'Trance' on her.
GM: (hooker fails to save) Okaaay, she's tranced. Now what?
Matt: I kill her and take her PPE and store it inside my amulet.
GM: Excuse me?
Matt: I kill her and take her PPE.
GM: You can't do that.
Matt: Why not?
GM: Because you're unprincipled. An unprincipled character wouldn't just kill somebody in cold blood!
Matt: Why not? GM: They just wouldn't do that. Matt: Why not? (by this time, he's beginning to sound like a broken record)
(Repeat previous two lines about thirty times)
GM: (sigh) Okay, fine, you kill the whore and take her PPE. You're going to burn in hell for this.
Matt: I don't care. Now, I pick up my money, put it back in my pocket, and walk back outside. As I walk out, do I see any other hookers?
GM: (groan) Oh, God. No. You don't.
Matt: Oh, come on.
GM: (a headache beginning to form) No. There are no other hookers on the street. They're all down sleeping with your friends for free.
Matt: (looks at the other players) Really?
GM: No.
It even degraded more than this. The shifter got worse. Eventually, he managed to open a rift to talk with one of his precious demon lords. This demon was named Necronominus, or somesuch nonsense. (I wasn't feeling creative).
GM: (speaking as demon) "Yes, my name is Necronominus, but you may call me Necro."
Matt: "Yes, well...Necro...what about making a deal with me?
GM: "What do you have to offer me?"
Matt: "Well, I've got a jar of hooker's blood."
GM: "Already got a freezer full of it."
Matt: "What about a link to Earth?"
GM: "Well...hmm...and what do you want in return?
Matt: "More spells."
GM: "Very well, then." You can choose five new spells. (back in demon lord voice) "But three of them must be magic of the dead. And you must change your name to Necromancer Bob."
The Necromancer Bob thing is...well, obvious. The 'dead' magic spells would be useless, of course. But the shifter agreed willingly enough, but then, just as a joke, the demon gave him a phobia. A fear of animals. So, of course, the shifter couldn't do anything when his ocelot familiar was around (paralyzed with fear). But he couldn't kill the familiar, see, or he would lose hit points (permanently). A pretty good paradox.
Despite getting him back for it, I still hate shifters (or at least a little).
Yes, vehicles, even mild-mannered civilian transportation, are to be considered weapons. This is, of course, the philosophy of a player I have had the pleasure (?)of having run in a couple of my games. Without fail, the guy has rammed a vehicle into something every time.
The first time was in North America. I was planning on having the PCs track down ARCHIE-3, and they ran into a robot rhino-buffalo. This...thing was already damaged, of course, before they found it. The other party members (an NGR Intelligence Officer and a Salvage Expert) were in a pitched battle with the robot/creature. Pete Yohe, the player in question, had his Burster (after lighting a cigarette with ISP) roast a couple of hot dogs on the ends of his fingers and toss them at the 'bot.
The hot dogs, of course, didn't do a thing except cause the beast to turn towards him. (Where did he get the hot dogs? Or the cigarette, for that matter?) Anywho, Pete's character was standing next to the old, beat-up truck they were riding around in (before, he had been napping in the back of it, I think). They had picked up several fusion blocks (big ones, too) in a town they had passed through. The Burster set the fusion blocks (all of 'em, about 5 or 6 total; I think they were the 1D6x10 kind) to explode in ten seconds or something like that, put the truck in gear, wedged the gas pedal down, and pointed it towards the 'bot.
What more can be said? The fusion blocks, the truck, and the 'bot all
went up in a massive explosion. All three of them probably should have
been reduced to organic pulp, but for some reason they weren't.
The second time the same guy (Pete) pulled this "road pool" stunt
was in Europe. A new game, he was playing an NGR Intelligence Officer who
was trying to redeem himself from suspension (for, no joke, backing a truck
through his CO's house). He and the others (the same two players as before,
with new characters) were driving along through the wilderness of Germany
in some sort of Triax version of a Hum-Vee. A gargoylite, a spy, jumped
out in the road in front of them (I have no idea why. The thing was pretty
GM (me): You see a blur of motion as something small and grey jumps out in front of you, about fifty yards ahead. It's short, maybe three feet tall.
Pete (who's driving): I step on the gas (evil grin).
GM: (Eyes widening) Uhh...okay. You hear a slight thump, the truck rocks, and the creature is run under. Then you hear a scratching sound underneath the truck.
Pete: (Looks at other players) Could it still be alive?
Chris (another player): You're the Intelligence Officer. You tell us.
GM: Suddenly, a small, clawed hand tears through the floorboards to grab your foot (pointing at Pete)
Pete (a nervous look on his face): Help.
At this point, the chaos ensued. Chris (playing a Salvage Expert) panicked, pulled out his ion rifle and began shooting wildly through the floorboards. He killed the 'goyle, but in the process destroyed the truck's brake lines and almost hit the transfer case, not to mention nearly blowing Phil(another player)'s foot off.
I still have a hard time riding with him IRL.