Asylum AGP-010:
Multi-Purpose General Use Hovercraft

The AMPGUH is the Asylum's standard work horse. Similar to the old American Empire's Hummer class vehicle system the AMPGUH is designed to fill multiple roles in both the AAF and the 'civilian' sector. What is described below is the base unit without any of the modular packages.

Multi-Purpose General Use Hovercraft

Model Type: AGP-010
Class: General Purpose Hover Vehicle
Crew: One, a pilot. There is room for up to two additional passengers however the ride will be cramped.
M.D.C. by Location:

Windshield - 60
Thrusters (2) - 40 each
*Control link - 20
Main body - 200
Force Field - 300

*The Control link is a small and difficult target to hit. An attacker must declare a 'called shot' and is still -4 to hit.
** The Vehicle is made of a special energy resistant alloy, this means that the hover vehicle takes only 1/3 normal damage from plasma, particle, and ion weapons. All other weapon systems do full damage.


Flying: Mach one (670 mph!), with a ceiling of 15,000 feet. Cruising speed is considered to be 300 mph. The Contra-Gravity system provides VTOL capability.
Range: The Anti-matter power supply provides the AMPGUH with decades of life. The AMPGUH can be flown continuously for 96 hours at maximum speed without fear of overheating.

Statistical Data:

Height: 4.5 feet
Width: 16.5 feet
Length: 27 feet
Weight: 3 tons
Cargo: Minimal storage space, enough for personal effects.
Power System: Anti-matter, average life of 30 years.
Black Market Cost: The base unit ONLY is available on the Black-Market for 5 million credits, knockoffs sell for a great deal less as they do not have the energy resistant armor or the high top speed.

Weapon Systems:

The AMPGUH has no built-in weapon systems, all weapons for the AMPGUH are added through the modular expansion units. Units that are sold on the open market many have been modified to user specifications and as such many have after market weapons built into them. However such vehicle will not be serviced by the Asylum so after a time the special armor of these vehicles are replaced by standard armor.

The AMPGUH has the standard robot sensor systems plus whatever is gained through the modular expansion paks.

By The Laughing Lunatic