Asylum AFC-003:
Assault APC

The Assault APC is a five to seven man high speed transport used for commando style raids as well as for recon missions. The APC requires one pilot, and can comfortably transport four troops in PA or six troopers in body armor. Theses units were designed with both single and group tactics in mind as such each vehicle can operate equally well whether it is supported or unsupported. Unlike the AMPGUH the Assault APC does not have any modular support systems.

Assault APC

Model Type: AFC-003
Class: Military Assault Transport
Crew: One pilot, can carry six troops in combat armor, or four troops in PA.
M.D.C. by Location:

Canopy/Windshield - 50
Door - 80
Thrusters (2) - 150 each
Mini-Missile launchers (2) - 100 each
Weapons pods (2) - 80 each
Main body - 250
Force Field - 300

* The Assault APC uses an Energy resistant armor and as such will only take 1/3 damage from plasma, particle, and ion weapons. All other weapons do full damage.


Flying: 400 mph, cruising speed is considered to be around 180 mph. The Contra-Gravity system allows a maximum altitude of 10,000 as well as providing VTOL capability.
Range: The Anti-matter power supply gives the vehicle decades of life but, the APC can only fly for 24 hours at maximum speed w/o fear of overheating. The range in 'unlimited' when flying at cruising speed.

Statistcal Data

Height: 8 feet
Width: 22.5 feet
Length: 27 feet
Weight: 5 tons
Cargo: Fully loaded with troops there is minimal storage space, there are seven overhead lockers for personal effects about 2 cu. feet per locker. When being used to carry supplies or general cargo there is a 6 ton limit.
Power System: Anti-matter, average energy life is 30 years.
Black Market Cost: Not Available

Weapon Systems:

1. Quad Mini-Missile Launchers (2): A pair of mini-missile launchers are mounted on the sides of the vehicle over the 'wings'. These launchers contain 20 mini-missiles and are used for assault and to provide covering fire for the troops.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel, Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Armor
Missile Type: Any type of mini-missile can be used but, standard issue are enhanced Plasma (2d4x10).
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Range: about one mile
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of two, four, six, or eight.
Payload: Forty, 20 missiles per launcher.

2. Large Bore Asylum Gravity Autocannon (2): The larger bore weapon on the 'inside' of the weapon pods are Asylum Autocannon. This weapon has a fixed forward firing arc and used to shatter enemy fortifications.

Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Armor
Mega-Damage: A burst is 30 rounds and does 2d4x10+15 M.D.; The Cannon can only fire bursts
Rate of Fire: 30 round bursts only
Effective Range: 5000 ft.
Payload: 9000 rounds, that's 150 bursts per cannon.

3. Asylum HI-Laser Cannon (2): These two light assault lasers are mounted in the front of the APC in a fixed forward arc. They can be fired at the same time at the same target for double damage.

Primary Purpose: Secondary Weapon System
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Mega-Damage: 1d4x10+5 per single shot, or 2d4x10+15 if both guns are fired together at the same target.
Rate of Fire: Single shot only
Effective Range: 7000 ft.
Payload: effectively unlimited

4. Asylum Machine-Guns (2): These two super light weapons are mounted on the 'outside' of the weapons pods with the Gravity Autocannons. These light machine guns are primarily for riot control and 'soft' targets.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Infantry
Secondary Purpose: Riot-Control
Damage: 4d6 S.D.C. per single round, or 2d6x10 SDC per 20 round burst.
Alternately, the machine-guns can be loaded with high velocity rounds that do 1 MD per single round or 2d6 MD per 20 round burst.
Also available are rubber anti-riot rounds which do 1 SDC pt per single shot or 2d6 SDC per 20 round burst.
Effective Range: 2000 ft.
Payload: 2000 rounds, that's 100 bursts per gun.

5. Sensor System Note: The Assault APC has all of the Standard Robotic Sensor Systems.

By The Laughing Lunatic