The Underland has a unique system of dimensional passages and trans-dimensional formations. Ley lines manifest as Vril rivers and streams, and within these flowing masses of PPE, whirlpools appear and disappear at random. These swirling masses of Vril are the physical manifestation of a dimensional rift, and depending on their proximity to the coastline, persons travelling through the rift will find themselves either standing on the shore of a golden lake, or knee- to waist-deep in steaming hot golden liquid.
To cross between RIFTs Earth and the Underland one must find a secure link. Only one secure link between the two dimensions is known to still exist. This rift is located at the Geographic South Pole, and is described as a Tropical jungle at the nexus of a number of Ley Lines which house a permanent rift to the Underland. In ancient times many more openings to the Underland were available. These included the tunnel that the Incas used to escape the Spanish conquerors with their gold and treasure. They travelled on the backs of llamas along what was called the Roadway of the Incas. It stretched several hundred miles south of Lima in Peru, passing under Cuzco of Tiahuanaco and the Three Peaks then through to the Atacambo Desert leading into the city cavern of Vilcapampa. A rift which opened up into to the heart of Haraphus existed at the site on of the Pyramid of Giza, but ceased normal function when the pyramid was built. Also, an underground lake of swirling vril in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, opened into a cavern just outside the borders of Agharta.
The Opti-Technician (O.C.C.), or Opteks as they are more commonly known, developed an entire range of technology based on the concept of modular components or "options" for any piece of equipment that is available now or may be available in the future. This type of technology became commonly know as Optional technology or Optitech. Optitech quickly became the standard form and soon the only form of technology in the Underland. Any item constructed in the Underland can make use of components from any other device. This includes all forms of transport, armour and even the mighty war robots, within size limits, a pulse cannon that is used on a robot vehicle is just too big for a weapons armband even though the gun's connectors may fit the locking ports on it.
Due to the lack of fissionable (Uranium and Trans-Uranic Elements) in the Underland, fission power was never developed. Instead, all equipment that has a high energy usage, Optimechs and large transport vehicles for example, are powered by compact fusion power plants, providing safe and clean plasma energy to these type of devices much more efficiently than a nuclear power plant could ever hope to do.
Robots and power armour from other dimensions are substantially disadvantaged because almost nothing in the Underland will fit or easily function on these other worldly machines. So if PCs bring in other robots or power armour they have to either bring in their own stock of spare parts, ammunition and fuel, or spend a large amount of downtime while the robot is being modified for compatibility with the options in the Underland. This will take a minimum of 1D10 days during which time the robot will be stripped down and analysed so that optitech can be installed without damaging the robot or the devices.