
The cities are spread out over tens of square kilometres with vast structures housing tens of thousands, and their urban sprawl that more than doubles the size of the main city in nothing more than a vast squalor of population. At the centre of each city is a Pyramid, courtesy of the Atlantean Stone Mages, and a number of Vril rivers and/or streams flowing in and around the city centres. The largest and first constructed of all the known cities is Shamballah.

Shamballah - Center of Agharta

Population Breakdown: 8 million total

Humans: 5 million - a mixture of Egyptian, Aztec, Inca and Mongolian backgrounds with a small percentage of European.

There are no slaves in Shamballah or anywhere else in Agharta but about 1D6 X 10,000 visitors come and go each day.

Physical Geography

Shamballah is dominated by an enormous step Pyramid that towers more than a mile in the sky above the low-set city. This Pyramid is placed at the convergence of the four largest Vril rivers in Agharta, and they actually flow up the sides of the Pyramid's lowest step, then flow into it, emptying into a huge pool, known as the Pool of Wisdom. All around the pyramid, the Vril flows, turning the city into a huge version of Venice, with gigantic bridges crossing the many canals and rivers, many watercraft, both mundane and magical floating or being propelled along the golden fluid, and much more besides.

The city itself is a mixture of cultures, with sections representing almost every construction style in Earth's past, from Roman and Greek fluted columns, to Mayan and Incan stonework, and many more besides.

The city covers the entire cavern, with some outlying suburbs actually built into the walls. In this cavern alone, the entrances have been widened and reinforced to accommodate the increased flow of traffic to and from the central Cavern.

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