A Dust Ring

I came across this dimension after months of travelling through the portals of Phase World during my manic phase. You see, I have three main phases, a Manic one, in which I feel I am invincible and nothing can stop me, my depressive cycle, in which all I want to do is rest and hide, and my neutral phase, which I am currently in, during which I am introspective and like to reminesce.

This is a dimension in which there is no real gravity. No natural gravity at all to speak of. Only a huge mass of air and two magical light Sources. The air circles between the two lights in a figure eight pattern. Near the confluence, there is an immense gahtering of life forms, while out on the edges, far from the center, there is little to interest anyone.

Within this dimension, drifting in the clouds of dust and smoke, are globules of water. This is life, for without water, most non-magical creatures will die. I have seen large bodies of water, over thirty kilometers across, teeming with life within and without, and smaller onds, less than a hundred meters, so tightly packed that not a drop of water is visible through the life that surrounds and hoards this precious resource.

Also, something much more valuable drifts within the rings of smoke and dust - magical nodules released from the spheres of light. Concentrated PPE batteries very similar to the dreaded Mechanoids' power crystals are released by the globes every so often. These are highly prized, for they can provide virtually unlimited magical energy to one who can tap their reserves.

D-Bee hunters prowl the skies in various vehicles, ranging from sail-driven vessels up to very technological aircraft and aerospace vehicles. Some bandits prey on the other life forms in the ring system - the gentle swim-fins - a gossamar lifeform that looks like a jellyfish and floates trough the skies, is highly prized for it's skin - an excellent optical fibre can be made from the skin of one of these creatures.

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